Thursday, April 26, 2018

Where are you starting from?

You’ve probably heard the popular line from the song, “Started from the bottom, now we’re here!” If not, I’m not sure how you missed it. It’s everywhere! Anyway, it’s a celebratory line about winning or making it regardless of how you started out. As I was riding to work and listening to a devotion, the line played in my mind almost immediately followed by another thought. What if you started from the top? What if you started from a place of victory instead of rallying from a defeat? How would your perception of your life change? How would your attitude about your next steps adjust? So my question to you today is where are you starting from?

Think about this. When the angel appeared to Mary and told her that she would bear the Son of God, she was overwhelmed and surprised but her response was, “Let it be with me, according to your word.” (Luke 1: 38  NKJV) She started her pregnancy from a place of trust and faith that if God believed her worthy then she should accept the assignment. As a result, she brought forth the Word and raised Him to fulfill his assignment. Though she had to go through the heartache of losing Him, she got to see the joy of His resurrection. What if you started your next assignment from the place of trust instead of fear? I dare say, you will see victory!

What about this? When David went up against Goliath, no one believed in him. His brothers tried to disparage him. The king doubted him. But he told them, “The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine!” (1 Sam. 17:37 NLT) Before he even started the battle, he spoke with an assurance of victory. Based on his past experiences and who he knew God to be, he went to face Goliath from victory and not seeking victory. He already knew that it was done! What if you went into your next battle reminding yourself of who God is instead of how big your enemy is? I dare say, you will see victory!

Consider this! When God spoke to Abraham and told him to sacrifice his long prayed for and awaited son, he got up early the next morning to do what God said. When Isaac asked his father where the sheep was for the burnt offering, Abraham answered with the provision that he didn’t even know was coming. He said, “God will provide a sheep for the burnt offering, my son,” Abraham answered. And they both walked on together.(Gen. 22: 8 NLT) Before he even got to the point of carrying out the test, he obeyed and spoke his prayer. What if you started your next test with obedience, believing that the answer to your prayers was already provided? I dare say, you will see victory!

Sometimes you need to take a minute and shift your perspective. If you start with failure and loss, you will receive just that. However, if you choose to start FROM victory instead of hoping for it, your steps will lead you that way. One of my favorite teachers, Graham Cooke, says that your starting place guarantees your outcome. It’s time to re-examine your starting places. Let’s change the game! I'm shifting my declaration to, “Started from the win, now I am here!” How about you? Where are you going to start from?


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