Thursday, April 5, 2018

It's NOT too late!

Happy Thursday, family! I just have a quick word to share with you today and I hope it encourages you. Are you ready?


Yep! That was it! That’s what the Lord dropped in my spirit this morning. You see, there are so many people doing amazing new things – new businesses, new ministries, new moves. However, there are some of you that have been having a long running conversation with the Lord about your life and your goals. You have repeatedly used phrases like, “I’m too old to…” “Who will listen to me?” “Everyone else is” “I missed the window”. Well, I’m here to tell you today to get over yourself! Sorry, if that sounds too harsh. Let me give you some truth.  If God has called you to something, He isn’t worried about your age or the box that you have put yourself into. He is the Master Planner and the One that sees the end from the beginning. Even better, He is the one that has the resources! So the question that He posed to me today was, “Why don’t they trust what I see?” Whew! There goes all the air out of the room! When you tell the Lord what you can’t do, you are essentially telling Him that He isn’t big enough to get you there. You are saying that you don’t believe what He says He sees in you. Hmmmmm…wow!

Okay…let’s take a step back! Let’s look at what God said to Jeremiah. He said, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” (Jer. 1:5) This was BEFORE Jeremiah answered the call or did anything prophetic. The Lord told him that He already knew who and what He would be. Soooooo, if He said to you, start a particular business. Do you think He said it without knowing what He put in you? If He said to you, create a program for youth. Do you think He said it doubting that you could do it? You see, it’s odd to me when people quote, “I can do all things through Christ that gives me strength.” (Phil. 4:13) Yet when He asks you to go minister to the people in your family, you respond with “I don’t have what it takes.” It is time to stop with the excuses, folks! It’s not too late.

Do you remember Abraham? He was minding his own business at 75 when God told him that He would be the father to many nations. What if his response had been that it was too late? What if he didn’t step out on faith and go when God told him to?  It’s time for you to stop talking yourself out of your next level with excuses. I’m a witness! I did it for way too long but guess what?! At 39, I’m pushing on to bigger and better. It’s not too late to make an impact in the Kingdom. It’s not too late to love. It’s not too late to gain new knowledge and skills. It’s not too late to answer the call. If God said it then He has the resources, capacity and ability to bring it to pass. The Lord is not promising easy or without challenges. But He is promising that He will stick with you through the entire process. He will not leave you in the middle! C’mon, saints! Trust Him with your yes today. It’s not too late!


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