Thursday, November 23, 2017

The time is now!

One of the great things about doing Rhema on Thursdays is that I get to celebrate Thanksgiving with my readers every year! It has been 6.5 years and it still absolutely amazes me to  think about the people all over the country that God allows me to encourage each week. It made me really go back to the beginning of what God said about Rhema and how my yes to write a blog has led to a retreat and books. What about you?  Have you taken time recently to think about what God placed you here to do? Have you re-visited the instruction that He gave you or reviewed the vision He showed you? Have you made sure that you are doing what He said? Well, as you ponder all of the things that you are grateful for today, I want to challenge you to remember what He said. I want to challenge you to follow up and follow through. There is no time to waste.

God is a planner. It may seem crazy to simplify God down to that one phrase but it really sums everything up. From the very beginning, God has worked a well thought and strategic plan that will culminate in an eternity with Him for those that accept His invitation. In the midst of His planning, He thought about you. Yes…YOU! He thought about how everything you would go through would come together to bring Him glory. He thought about your ministry and your purpose. He thought about your business and your destiny. He even thought about your family and your legacy. So if He told you to start a daycare, He not only saw the parents and children that would be impacted on a daily basis. He also saw all of the people that each child would touch because of the seeds you planted. Make sense? You have got to be about His business. You have got to finish what He told you to do! You don’t have a choice because it is bigger than you. There’s no time to waste.

For those of you that are waiting for your money to be right and your schedule to line up before you make your move, stop. When God gave you the vision, He meant for you to do it. He meant for you to start praying, start saving, and start moving. He meant for you to act like you heard Him. He meant for you to obey. The Bible says,  “He who watches the wind [waiting for all conditions to be perfect] will not sow [seed], and he who looks at the clouds will not reap [a harvest].” (Ecc.‬ ‭11:4‬ ‭AMP)‬‬ In other words, if you are waiting on perfection, you will not ever move. If you are looking for “a sign”, you will not get what God has in store for you on the other side. There is no time to waste because the wheels are already in motion and the clock is already ticking. Whether you choose to move or not, God’s plan and purpose will be fulfilled. The question is whether you want to be a part of it or watch someone else do what He told you to do. There is no time to waste, saints! Why? Because the time is now…


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