Thursday, November 9, 2017

Expect God!

Last Sunday morning, my pastor walked into our morning meeting with an excitement! She encouraged us to expect God to show up in our service in a mighty way and He did. Ever since she spoke those words, an excitement has been stirring in my spirit. I have been declaring my expectation to God and He has been answering. So, I don’t have a deep word for you today. All I have is a simple challenge and it is this: expect God and He will do it! Whatever your hardship, whatever your struggle, I don’t care! Expect God to show up in that situation and watch Him do what you have requested.

The Lord led me to a familiar passage of scripture but one I wouldn’t have connected with this. Acts 3:1-8 in the Message says this,

“One day at three o’clock in the afternoon, Peter and John were on their way into the Temple for prayer meeting. At the same time there was a man crippled from birth being carried up. Every day he was set down at the Temple gate, the one named Beautiful, to beg from those going into the Temple. When he saw Peter and John about to enter the Temple, he asked for a handout. Peter, with John at his side, looked him straight in the eye and said, “Look here.” He looked up, expecting to get something from them.

Peter said, “I don’t have a nickel to my name, but what I do have, I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!” He grabbed him by the right hand and pulled him up. In an instant his feet and ankles became firm. He jumped to his feet and walked.

Can I just direct your attention to the section where the man saw Peter and John about to enter the temple? He saw them and immediately decided to ask for a handout. Peter and John looked at him in preparation to do something for him. Why? Because that was what they were called to do. But I digress. Peter and John responded by telling the man to look at them and here’s the key. “He looked up, expecting to get something from them.” God highlighted this one line for me. This man looked at Peter and John like we should be looking at God. He had asked for a handout and he was expecting them to give him something. He sat at that temple everyday so he most likely had seen them before. He probably had an inkling of what they had inside of them. If you know God’s track record and you know you belong to Him, shouldn’t you be waiting for Him to show up with something you need? Shouldn’t you position yourself at the temple aka in your prayer posture and wait for God? Peter and John responded to the man with exactly what the man needed. Some of us get it wrong because we want the response to be what we want but God is giving what you need.

That man had an expectation for something to happen on his behalf. Whether it was a little food or a little change, he expected Peter and John to answer his request. He had been lame since birth but he wasn’t even asking for healing that day. But guess what? His need and his expectation collided and he got his breakthrough. Can I suggest to you that God is waiting to do some things for you? Your job is just to believe and expect Him to do it.  Can I just encourage you that the Great I Am, El Shaddai is big enough to take care of your needs and meet your expectation?

I want to stir up such an excitement in your spirit that you begin to look at that sickness, that barrier, that trauma, that bill, and you put your expectation on it. Just begin to declare, “I expect God to do it!” over every hard place in your life. It will change your focus, your perspective, and your outcome. It will challenge the enemy to be greater than God and he can’t do that. Come on, saints of God!! It’s time for a language upgrade! It’s time to show God that your expectation lies in His ability to come through. Declare with me! Hallelujah! Glory to God! Thank You for the good report! Thank You for the answer! Thank You for another promise kept! I expect You, God and I know You will do it!


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