Thursday, November 30, 2017

It's in you...

Sometimes when I get ready to write Rhema, I hear a scripture. Sometimes I hear a phrase or see a vision. Today, I just heard God say, SPEAK LIFE. He told me to edify and build you up for your next assignment, your next hard conversation, your next challenge. He told me to remind you that what He has put inside of you is enough to accomplish that which He has told you to do. He told me to remind you that He has not forgotten what He told you and He has not forgotten when He told you. He told me to tell you to stand on the promise that He gave you. He said so many times people have disappointed you and told you that they would do this and do that but they fell off or never finished. He said to remind you that He is a finisher and His work is already done.

He wanted me to speak life over you. He said, “Daughters and sons, life is in you. “ Then He took me back to the beginning…to the creation…to the moment when He gave man life. “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. “ (Gen. 2:7 ESV) He told me that when He gave Adam breath, He was thinking of you. He knew of the failure that would come. He know of the bad decision that would come. He knew of the shift that would come. Nevertheless, in all of that He knew of the life that He had put inside of you. He said that it was to sustain and encourage you. He said to hold on to it! No matter what death may try to come against you, He put life in you. No matter what criticism may come against you, He put life in you. No matter what sickness comes upon you, He put life in you. No matter what opposition comes against you, He put life in you. Remember the life. He said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)

Woman of God, rise up! Man of God, stand strong. You “shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.” (Psalm 118:17)

I speak to the tired and to the weary! I speak to the struggling and to the lonely. I speak to the pushing and to the pressing. I speak to the leaders and to the followers. The Lord is speaking life into you today. He is blowing strength back into you and lifting you up. He is reminding you that you are not in this fight alone. He is reminding you that though circumstances are hard, they are not the end of the story for that has already been written and YOU WIN.

May you hear the voice of the Lord and receive your fresh wind. May you feel the peace of His embrace and move in His grace. May you remember His promises and walk out your purpose. May you LIVE.


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