Thursday, July 13, 2017

What did He tell YOU?

I know that It’s getting late in the day and some of my regular readers are saying, “Where’s Rhema?” Well, I was asking that same question! I usually write in the mornings because I don’t want to confuse any other words or messages that I have heard from other people. I don’t want to accidentally confuse someone else’s voice with the Lord. Today, it was interesting because I listened to or heard about so many different words that I almost didn’t do Rhema at all. As I went into prayer about it, I asked God to clear my mind so that I could hear His voice and He said something awesome to me. He said, “There is a word for YOU!” I replied, I know, Lord. He corrected me and told me that there is a word for me to deliver that is unlike anyone else and I needed to get to writing. So I want to say to you that there is a word, an assignment, a gift, a people, a position that is just for you. Stop worrying that your purpose has already been done. Stop concentrating on the fact that too many people are doing the vision you saw.  Stop stalling because your neighbor just released a book. Just stop wondering, worrying and delaying and get to work. Start living. Start producing. Start acting. There is a work for YOU!

Let me give you the word that He gave me and I hope it sets you free today!

“He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join Him in the work He does, the good work He has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.” (Ephesians 2:10 MSG)

Ephesians 2 is all about the work of Christ and how God sent Him to set His people free. He sent Jesus to do what you nor I could do on our own. He is a creative genius and planner that saw you in your mess before you were in your mother’s womb and prepared for it. He saw a broken people before they were broken and sent a redeemer. He saw sin before it hit the earth and already had the solution. So the question I want to raise to you today is this: If the Lord’s plan was so big that He saw the finished work of Christ before He even died, why wouldn’t it be big enough for what He has called you to do? Too many of you are stuck at a vision because you are worried about the outcome. I want to invite you to get delivered from that today. You have a unique and well thought out work that the Lord wants you to do. He wouldn’t have given it to you if it was already being done the way He told you to do it. Did you catch that? The way He told YOU to do it! The problems start when you want to do something the way the Lord told Sister A to do it because you like how that looks. The Lord doesn’t need duplicates. He made you fearfully and wonderfully with unique gifts and talents for a preplanned outcome. There is a work for YOU!

I want to encourage you today to walk out the assignment that God has placed in you. Please stop missing your opportunities because you want it to look like someone on TV or someone you know. Please stop adjusting your vision to fit someone else’s dream. Please stop sitting still because you’re not confident in the vision God gave you. It’s time out for hating on someone else because you think they are where you want to be. It’s time out for trying to one up people. Deliverance is available today and it will change your life. You are powerful. You are anointed. You are gifted. It’s time to get to work on the projects, assignments, and businesses that God put before you. He always equips and prepares you for what He calls you to. So woman of God, stop coveting. Man of God, let go of the jealousy. There is a work just for YOU!



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