Thursday, July 20, 2017

Are you ready?

"Are you prepared for your next?" That's what I heard the Lord say after I picked up my iPad just now. It was quick and followed by a waiting silence. You when your mama asked you a question and she is waiting for your response with her arms crossed and her eyebrow raised. It's the kind of silence where you quickly search your mind for the right answer. After a brief hesitation, I answered with a firm yes. "You better be" was His response. 

As God began to speak to me, I felt this energy and excitement that I hope you feel. Here's why. God just asked me about my next because it's already prepared. He already has it planned out, equipped, and waiting. He wouldn't be the problem. He asked me to see if I would be. You see, too many of you are missing or have missed your "go", "jump", "be" because you are trying to line up what has already been established. You are trying to make sense of a move that requires faith and not logic. So I don't have much to say other than this. Stop overthinking, overanalyzing and getting in the way and start praying, believing, and expecting. I'm pretty sure that God is tired of hearing your take on everything. Don't get me wrong! He loves communing and talking to you but He won't compete with you and your plans. 

Do you remember when Pilate kept asking Jesus to defend Himself in Mark 15?  What was Jesus's response? “Pilate asked Jesus, “Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus replied, “You have said it.” and Pilate asked him, “Aren’t you going to answer them? What about all these charges they are bringing against you?” But Jesus said nothing, much to Pilate’s surprise.” (Mark‬ ‭15:2, 4-5‬ ‭NLT) Jesus knew what He had been sent to do. He knew the ultimate plan and how it would all turn out so why should He defend what He knew was handled? I want to challenge you to not walk in Pilate's footsteps. Pilate missed his opportunity to live because position and the need to please man was more important. I really hope your "next" is more important than your crew and your title. If so, get prepared!

Ladies and gentlemen, God is calling you to a mighty work - some to the world, some to the nation, some to the church, some to the streets, some to fill in the blank. Don't miss your next because you aren't ready with the right response. The sponsor is already in place, the building is already there, the staff is already training, the client is already looking for you. Will you be Pilate today or will you be like Daniel who said, even in the face of lions, I was trust You. If you aren't prepared, you better start today. God's plan is already in place...He's just waiting on you.


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