Thursday, July 27, 2017

But God...

God is about to do something spectacular! He is about to move. He is about to shift. He is about to break through some things. He is about to deliver. How do I know? Because I said yes. This isn’t a pride thing or a boast. It’s confidence that what God brings you to, He equips you for. I am in final preparations for my 3rd retreat tomorrow and all week, I have been on the enemy’s mind. He has sent headaches, distractions, uncertainty, and nervousness.  He has tried to make me question everything from my call to my assignment. But God! I know that sounds churchy and it isn’t even technically a sentence but it’s been my answer to the enemy this week.

God even sent me to the words of Job just to confirm this thing! “I know that you can do everything, that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.(Job 42:2 CJB) According to Merriam Webster, thwarted means “to oppose successfully, to defeat the hopes or aspirations of; to run counter to so as to effectively oppose or baffle”. NO purpose that God puts forth can be thwarted! Can’t be opposed successfully, can’t be defeated or stripped of hope, and can’t effectively be baffled or frustrated! So I challenge you today to stand flat footed and look at your family situation, your health, your finances, your attack or whatever is trying to keep you from your purpose and tell it…BUT GOD!

But God – my way maker

But God – my healer

But God – my deliverer

But God – my strong tower

But God – my protector

But God – my lawyer

But God – my provider

Has that stirred you up yet? No?

But God – the lifter of my head

But God – the One who knows the end from the beginning

But God – the One that battles on my behalf

But God – the One that causes the wars in my life to cease

But God – the One that covers me on my job

But God – the One that sees me

You see, I wanted to quit so many times and I wanted to tell some folks how I really felt about them. Sometimes I wanted to run and I wanted to cry…BUT GOD! So I am here to tell you that if you just put it in your mind that the God that is for you is greater than the whole world against you, you can make it. And not just make it…win! No more frustration or defeat! BUT GOD!

When I really began to think about who God was to me, I just started jumping, right here in my office. Why? Because He has given me the victory! He has given you the victory! So get up, man of God! Stop worrying, woman of God! He is upholding you with His right hand and He is enough!


1 comment:

Daren said...

Hallelujah Amen Amen and Amen