Saturday, April 29, 2017


I don't have much for you this week! This is the first time in almost six years that I have been this late with Rhema and my nerves are torn up. I've had a crazy week and my Thursday and Friday just plain got away from me. The Lord gave me a quick word of encouragement and that's really it.  And when I tell you that  I’ve tried over and over again just to get this word to you with no real success. Finally, He said me just send the word. You see, some of you have been going through some real challenges and you have been waiting for confirmation that it is  soon to be over.  Well, God sent me straight to Psalm 118:21-25 in the Message translation yesterday morning and hasn't let me forget it. He told me that it is time for you to celebrate your victory. It's time to remember that what Christ did was a finished work and rejoice! Are you ready to take off those grave clothes and dance? This is your day…the day!

“Thank you for responding to me; you’ve truly become my salvation! The stone the masons discarded as flawed is now the capstone! This is GOD ’s work. We rub our eyes—we can hardly believe it! This is the very day GOD acted— let’s celebrate and be festive! Salvation now, GOD. Salvation now! Oh yes, GOD —a free and full life!” (Psalm‬ ‭118:21-25‬ ‭MSG‬‬)

I need you to put David’s words in your mouth TODAY! Generations before Christ was born, he prophesied Christ’s victory. David spoke of the overcoming spirit of Jesus and how important that is for you and me. Come on! Get excited. No matter what people have named you or called This is the very day that God will act on your behalf. This the day He frees you from bondage. This is the day your marriage recovers. This is the day He saves your whole family. Isn't that enough to celebrate? My prayer for you today is that you experience true rejoicing. That you know what it is to be confident enough in the God that created the moon and the stars. Trust your life and your rejoicing with the God who finishes. So join me, today with a shout of celebration! God has acted on your behalf…


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