Thursday, August 4, 2016

Ok, God...

This morning, I was in my bed and I was doing an odd mixture of praying, listening and drifting and I said out loud, "None of my plans are working the way I want them to." I didn't really say it to get an answer but was just stating a fact about my current situation. Well, clearly God was participating in my weird moment because I immediately heard, "You're doing too much. All you have to do is listen and obey." I snapped out of everything and sat up. First, I wondered if God talks to everyone like that and then I had a mini panic attack! For those of you that might be planners like me, you understand how terrifying a statement like that is! It snatches away every ounce of the imagined control that you like to think you have and leaves you squarely back at trust. There are a couple of responses you could have but the one I'm encouraging you to go with today is really simple..."Ok, God."

As I have been on this journey this year of fully walking in my purpose and calling, I have had SEVERAL trust tests to keep me moving in the right direction. God knows me and knows that I would much prefer to not do most of the things He tells me to! So He constantly has to remind me that what I want and what He has planned are not the same thing. I'm pretty sure I tear God's nerves up on a regular basis! But even when I fall back to trying to make my own plan, His answer is still the same..."Listen and obey." In case I needed confirmation, Proverbs 19:21 hit me right in the face today, “We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but GOD ’s purpose prevails.” (MSG) All of the translations hit just as hard, but feel free to look!

So I'm telling all of my business to say, it's fine to make plans but understand that God's purpose for your life will always take precedence. Your plans tend to be set up for your convenience whereas God's are set for your growth and destiny.  That means they won't all be easy or necessarily enjoyable in the moment but they will definitely work for your good. Isn't that what the Word says? "All things work together for the good of those that love shod and are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28) A lot of the stress in your life would be greatly reduced or even eliminated, if you would seek out His plan instead of relying so heavily on your own. So let's practice! God: "My child, go back to school, start that business, answer that call, move to XYZ..." You: "Ok, God..." Now keep practicing!


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