Thursday, August 18, 2016

Clean sweep...

When God gave me Rhema, He talked to me about wholeness and freedom for people. Every message was basically a charge or encouragement to live your best life. In most cases, that required some form of self examination or honesty. Sometimes, they would be sweet, soothing posts of gentle pushing; while other times, I would be shocked at what God was giving me to say. At the heart of it, He was calling you (and ME!) to deliverance from what has held you bound. Well, today I heard the phrase “clean sweep”. I immediately got nervous because that phrase just sounds deep, doesn't it? Well, that's because it is! God isn't playing anymore. He's not playing with you and He's not playing with me! He has put some pretty clear instructions and assignments on the table and He is ready for them to be picked up and completed. It's time to get in position and that old stuff that you keep going back to? Well, it's got to GO! Time for a clean sweep…
So as I sat down to write, I wondered what scripture He was going to follow that up with. But before I could finish forming the question, He reminded me of a couple key verses and I sat up straight! He's not playing FOR REAL!  But before I get to the scripture I need to say this. As I mentioned last week, a lot of times, people generally don't like to admit to needing to be delivered from anything. Church folk are especially guilty of this! It's easier to say that it's for other people than to admit that you struggle with something. I believe that God wouldn't let me move away from this topic because some folk still dismissed what He said last week as “being for somebody else.” Well let me make this really plain! You ready? We all need deliverance from something! I'm so sorry if that hurt your feelings! But if you are still walking around mad at your fellow church member for something they “did” to you 10 years ago or holding onto what your ex-husband did and it's keeping you from moving on? You need deliverance! If you have to be in charge of what's happening in everyone else's life so that it lines up with your plans or no one can tell you anything because you know everything, you need deliverance! If you look in the mirror and can’t celebrate who is looking back at you or you have to downgrade someone else so that you can feel better, you need deliverance. You see, God wants to get into all of the cracks and crevices and get all those things that we won't name or acknowledge.  He wants to get the anger, the feelings of rejection, the heartbreak that have held you in place. He wants to free you of the memories of your past, the loss and the grief that kept you from being all that He called you to be. He wants to release you from the jealousy, the fear of failure and the expectations of people that have affected how you live your life. Time for a clean sweep…

 Everyone likes to quote Peter when he says in 1 Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;” Remember that? Well earlier in the chapter in verses 1-3, Peter challenged his Christian audience to come out of all that wasn't like God and be whole. The Message version says, “So clean house! Make a clean sweep of malice and pretense, envy and hurtful talk. You’ve had a taste of God. Now, like infants at the breast, drink deep of God’s pure kindness. Then you’ll grow up mature and whole in God.” (1 Peter 2:1-3 MSG) Don't you want to be mature and whole and really live up to your position in the royal priesthood? God is willing and able to create in you a clean heart and renew a right spirit within you. He is prepared to transform your heart and renew your mind but it is up to you. You must take action towards your own deliverance and freedom. That verse required the people to drink deep of God’s goodness!They had to act, they had to take a step, they had to touch God! Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for a clean sweep…

As I close, I want to encourage you to walk in truth this week. Ask God to get out His flashlight and go through your heart. Ask Him to reveal to you the areas that have kept you stagnant and unmoving. Ask Him to show you the root of issues instead of just the symptoms. I hear you asking, why would I want to drag all of that old stuff up? The answer is actually quite simple. If those things still have the power to stop, hurt, or control you, they aren't really gone anyway. I will warn you though! As God begins to deal with your heart and sweep those old things up and out, you must replace them with the Word! You must fill your spirit with what God says about you. God is calling you to great things and He doesn't want old things to stop you from experiencing the new things He has in store for you! Time for a clean sweep!




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