Thursday, March 3, 2016

Yes means YES!

This week God blessed me to see another year of life and I truly give Him glory! As I transitioned into this new year, God began to really deal with me about the concept of owning the call on my life. At first, I pushed back a little bit because I didn’t want to acknowledge what that meant about how I have been living my life. By nature, I am a confident person. I have been speaking in front of crowds since I was very little and know my strengths and weaknesses well. However, when it came to the call of God on my life, I lived at 101 Doubt St, in Everywhere, USA! It wasn’t so much doubting that God could use me as much as doubting HOW God could use me. I wanted God to do things in the way I wanted Him to. You know, in a way where I could be comfortable! I wanted Him to stay in the box that I had constructed and not stretch me too far beyond that. Anybody see a problem with these statements? Yep! I wanted God to work within my framework when His plan is so much larger. I wonder how many blessings I missed by walking in fear? I mean, let’s just call it what it is!  But it’s a new day for you and me!

I’ve talked about this before and it’s interesting that it’s come back up. I think it’s because this is a new month, and for me a new year and God is calling His people to walk in fullness of purpose. He is calling you into your destiny and halfway just isn’t good enough anymore. On the eve of my birthday, God challenged me to announce who I was and stop hiding. He asked me to stop focusing on what I thought I couldn’t do and instead walk into what He was calling me to. You may be saying to yourself, ‘That’s not me! I’ve already heard God and I’m marching towards my destiny!’ Well, great! But I thought the same thing. I had my speech about how I said YES but I also had my private conversations with God where I was still saying NO or NOT YET. You see, I have learned this week that every day I have to own my calling and purpose. I have to be open to the way that God is going to use me and not be concerned about MY plans and capabilities. God knew what He was doing when He called you leader, pastor, prophet, teacher, etc. He looked beyond what the world would say was a qualified person and saw YOU! 1 Corinthians 1: 26-27 says, “Take a good look, friends, at who you were when you got called into this life. I don’t see many of “the brightest and the best” among you, not many influential, not many from high-society families. Isn’t it obvious that God deliberately chose men and women that the culture overlooks and exploits and abuses, chose these “nobodies” to expose the hollow pretensions of the “somebodies”? (MSG)  Look at yourself in the mirror and say HE chose me! Come on!! Isn’t that a privilege?!

So today, I’m challenging you to look up instead of in. I’m challenging you to take what God says about you to heart and walk it out. This is the day, the month, the year to embrace all that God has called you to be. It doesn’t mean that you have it all together but rather that your spirit and heart are open to be used and prepared. It doesn’t mean that you have a title in front of your name but rather that you are positioned for your next. You have to know that yes doesn’t mean easy but it does mean obedient to whatever God wants to do. Mind you, the enemy is listening as well and so he is going try and throw you off but 1 Peter 5:10 says that “after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” (ESV) Does it get any better than that? You have the best team in your corner! The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost are working together to bring you to a place of completion. The plan is set and the future and hope promised. The only thing in question is YOU!

As you make the decision to live out your calling and purpose, know that I am praying for you as Paul prayed for the saints at the Church of Thessalonica. “So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of His call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do.  Then the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored because of the way you live, and you will be honored along with him. This is all made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ.” (NLT)


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