Thursday, March 10, 2016

I'll be the one...

Briana Babineaux’s song “I’ll be the one” has been playing in my head since I woke up this morning. When I got in the car, it came on and has been on constant replay ever since. If I’m perfectly honest, I wanted it to stop! I’ve had a lot on my mind this week and trying to get things done, so not being able to get rid of a song was on my nerves! Finally, I stopped and really listened to the line that kept repeating in my mind. “The one you can use, the one you can send, the one with the yes you can trust.” Then it goes on to say, “You don’t have to look no further. I’ll be the one.” This was her love song to God. This was her yes! WOW! Wake up moment! God was reminding me of my why! HE was calling me out of that place where you are overwhelmed with people’s expectations and assignments and back to Him. He brought me back to why I am doing what I’m doing. Why I write Rhema every week. Why I’m trying to get a sermon together. Why I am working on this and that. It’s for Him. It’s for His glory. It’s not about me. So the question of the day is “will you be the one?”

Have you ever gotten so caught up in the business or really the “busy-ness” of ministry that you lost sight of your why? You ended up tired and frustrated because you didn’t say no to that meeting or that committee. You stayed in a position for entirely too long because tradition taught you to stick and stay. You even took on an assignment that wasn’t yours because no one else would do it. But you know what? God told me to remind you that He chose you to do a work that no one else can do. He called you to minister to the sick because you have loved and lost and know how to be selfless. He called you to be an intercessor because you have experienced the power of prayer and know how to listen for His voice. He called you to the streets because you have seen Him change your focus and know how to love on the lost. HE called you to build up women because you have seen the opposite and know how to walk in transparency. You see, your yes is important. God doesn’t do things off the cuff. He has a plan and a purpose for your life but are you willing to be the one He can trust? Are you willing to be used?

Can I tell you what the Lord just showed me? He said, “You did not choose Me. I chose you, and I orchestrated all of this so that you would be sent out and bear great and perpetual fruit. As you do this, anything you ask the Father in My name will be done.” (John 15:16 VOICE) Whew!! When you decide to walk this thing out with God, you are going to see fruit that doesn’t stop. Perpetual means never ending or changing; so frequent as to seem endless and uninterrupted!! Jesus is offering you some fruit that doesn’t stop! Come on! That means that everything you have gone through is worth it! Don’t give up on what God has told you to do! Don’t get distracted by the cloak and dagger stuff that the enemy tries. God called you for right now and everything that you have experienced has been perfectly orchestrated to get you to your purpose! Your ministry will be blessed! Your conference will grow! Your business will be profitable. Why? Because TODAY, you decide that you will be the one! No matter what anyone else is doing, you will be the one! You will be the one God can use, send and trust! HALLELUJAH! I see you over there with your YES. Now walk it out, people are waiting…



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