Thursday, December 31, 2015

Going in ready!

I don't think New Year’s Eve has ever been on a Thursday since I've been writing Rhema and you know what? I'm glad! Even though I try to write an encouraging word every week, it can be a pretty tough position to be in, for New Year’s Eve, if people are looking for a word to set the tone for their whole new year. So I preferred to not even put myself in that position and leave that for the pastors and prophets of the world! However, I will say the few things that God gave me to say and encourage you to walk into 2016 with purpose, expectation, and obedience. So here goes…

God is faithful and He is present! There is nothing happening in your life that He is not fully aware of. So as you go into this next year, know that God is in control. Whether you are standing on a word of rebuilding or shifting, growth or blessings, allow God to be God. Allow Him room and freedom to move in your life the way that He wants to. Remember that all of the prophetic words in the world cannot do what you are not open to receive. You can't speak renewal and your mindset is stuck in 2010. You can't shout and dance off of a “shifting” word and be unwilling to move. You can't Facebook post about exponential growth and you refuse to take the one baby step the Lord asked you to take. This is a new year and a new opportunity to move to the next level in your life but it takes obedience and honesty. It takes you doing an honest evaluation of your life and seeing what needs to change. It takes you sitting in the presence of God with your pad and pen and just listening to and writing what He is speaking about your life. It even takes you being willing to repent or be transparent so that those that look to you for leadership aren't following someone trapped in bondage.  I know this sounds harsh but I don't want you to miss what God has for you in 2016!

Paul gave Timothy some advice that I think is worth considering on this last day of 2015. “In a well-furnished kitchen, there are not only crystal goblets and silver platters, but waste cans and compost buckets- some containers used to serve fine meals, others to take out the garbage. Become the kind of container God can use to present any and every kind of gift to His guests for their blessing. Run away from infantile indulgence. Run after mature righteousness – faith, love, peace- joining those who are in honest and serious prayer before God.” (2 Tim. 2:20-22, MSG) You see? There's definitely a next level and a shifting and growth waiting on you but it takes a prepared heart and mind. In order to be all that God wants you to be and have all that God wants you to have, you have to be in position to be used. You have to be seeking after faith, love and peace and ever ready for God to call your name. Isn't that what you want? To have a Kingdom impact, to see someone brought to Christ, to see God’s name glorified? Well, position yourself heart, mind and spirit  to push forward so that you can walk out what God has for you in 2016 with purpose, expectation and obedience! Let's get it!!

God bless and Happy New Year!

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