Thursday, January 7, 2016

Trust God!

What I have to say to you today is very simple and is something that I’ve said many times on this blog but it bears repeating. Ready? Trust God! Trust Him with everything you have. Trust Him when the circumstances look impossible and you have no answers. Trust Him when the wrong way looks right and the right way looks wrong. Trust Him in sickness. Trust Him in financial distress. Trust Him in your relationships. Trust Him at work, at school and at church. Trust Him! It’s easy to say but hard to do at times, but the end result is a kind of peace that surpasses all understanding.

You see, God isn’t looking for you to do anything that He is not willing and able to support you in. Scary diagnosis? God is Jehovah Raphe, Your Healer. He is there to walk you through doctor’s appointments and scary tests but most of all, He is there to heal you in the best way He sees fit. Financial struggle? God is Jehovah Jireh, Your Provider. He is there when the money doesn’t add up and when your payday is too far away. But most of all, He is there to provide for the need that He has already seen and accounted for. Not sure what to do next? God is Jehovah Rohi, Your Shepherd. He is there to lead you to pasture. You know, to the place where supply is waiting, where protection and comfort are. But most of all, He is there to be your friend, watching you as you go about your daily life and come for you when you wander off on your own path.

Some of you may be wondering why I keep coming back to the names of God. The easy answer is because I love them but I think God brings it back to me for Rhema so often because He is wants you AND me to get it. He wants you to know how to talk to Him. He wants you to know how to tap into the part of Him that you need.  But most of all, He wants you to trust Him. He wants your automatic response to be calling on His name and not panicking. He wants your first words in times of struggle to be “God, I trust You.” He wants the same thing for me!

Over the last several weeks, I have seen sickness, job loss, financial struggles and more but there’s one thing that has been consistent and that’s God’s presence. He is a planner, a present help and best of all, a FINISHER! No matter what the world has thrown your way, He is unchanging and so is His plan. He still wants you to “prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” (3 John 2, NKJV) He still wants you to have a hope and a future. He still wants you to trust Him!  I want you to remember that what God said is true. He “is not a man - He doesn’t lie. God isn’t the son of a man to want to take back what He’s said, or say something and not follow through, or speak and not act on it.” (Numb. 23:19 VOICE)  If He told you that He would provide, He will. If He told you that He would heal, He will. If He told you that He would shift you, He will. God is faithful.
“Against the odds, Abraham’s hope grew into full-fledged faith that he would turn out to be the father of many nations, just as God had promised when He said, “That’s how many your descendants will be.” His faith did not fail, although he was well aware that his impotent body, after nearly 100 years, was as good as dead and that Sarah’s womb, too, was dead. In spite of all this, his faith in God’s promise did not falter. In fact, his faith grew as he gave glory to God because he was supremely confident that God could deliver on His promise. This is why, you see, God saw his faith and counted him as righteous; this is how he became right with God. The story of how faith was credited to Abraham was not recorded for him and him alone, but was written for all of us who would one day be credited for having faith in God, the One who raised Jesus our Lord from the realm of the dead.  He was delivered over to death for our trespasses and raised so that we might be made right with God.” (Romans 4:20, VOICE)

Trust Him!


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