Thursday, October 15, 2015

Waiting on the whisper...

The other day my youngest daughter and I were sitting in a drive thru line when we saw an older man walk by. He moved very slowly and looked to be having a difficult time walking with his cane and bag. He looked like all that he had in the world was in that bag. I watched him while I waited for my food and said out loud that we should check on him. At the same time, Kennedi said, "Mommy, we should help that man." So we did. I pulled into the parking lot and approached the man. As I got closer to him, I heard him singing. He said, "Hello, sister!" I said hello and asked if he needed a ride somewhere. He said, "Oh no! I'm headed in Bojangles to get some chicken and read the paper!" He then said to me, " God always shines a light on me for people and they want to help me. The funny thing is I don't need any help. I have everything I need." I was intrigued. I took his bag for him and we walked slowly across the gravel lot he was walking through. I'm sure we made quite a scene...old man, me and a 5 year old going about 2 inches a minute through an empty lot. As we walked, scripture just poured out of this man and I felt the presence of God surrounding us. As we got closer to our destination, the man stopped and looked me in the face and said, "God said, don't worry! I've got it under control." He proceeded to speak such encouragement and life into me that was exactly what I had been praying for. I cried in the parking lot of Bojangles like I was at the altar. It was so bad that Kennedi had to be my usher, y'all! I'm sure it was something to see! I walked him to his table and got his information with a promise to follow up with him.

I'm leaving quite a bit out but you're probably wondering why I shared this story. It's pretty simple actually! A lot of times, you look for God in the big things. You expect Him to move in thunder and fireworks and huge displays of power and He does. But most often, He is in the hug from a child when you are feeling down. He is in the extra week you unexpectedly get to pay your light bill when you just don't have it. He is in the Facebook post that speaks directly to your situation and comes at just the right time. He is in the voice of an old man that God had shone a light on so that I would see him. He is everywhere and He sees everything. He is just what you need and more than enough. God is present and that's what He wanted me to share with you today. You don't have to keep looking for God in your situation because He is already there. He is already working on your behalf.

Elijah was in a cave situation and looking to die. Jezebel wanted him dead and he felt that he had no more reason to live. He asked God to kill him because he just couldn't take life anymore. The Lord provided for Elijah as he went through this process of finding his purpose and his bounce back. Have you ever been in a place like that? Where you didn't know how to get back to you? Everything around you looked bleak and you didn't have a clear answer about the next step so you decided to hide or give up? But God! He strengthened Elijah through the process. Fed him for forty days and nights until he reached Mt. Horeb and the cave. God asked Elijah why he was there and Elijah answered with his struggle. “Go out and stand before Me on the mountain,” the LORD told him. And as Elijah stood there, the LORD passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. And a voice said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”(1 Kings‬ ‭19:11-13‬ ‭NLT‬‬) Elijah answered the question the same way but this time God gave him instruction for his situation.

God is with you. Even if all you are feeling is earthquakes and fire, He is there with a word for your situation. You just need to step back enough to hear Him. God called Elijah to the edge to hear from Him. Imagine how scary it must have been to see all of those huge natural occurrences happening before your eyes and you have to wait until God speaks. Some of you are in that very position...on the edge...waiting on God. Well, He's there! Here's the challenge...stop trying so hard to figure out how to find God in your situation and just listen. There's a gentle whisper calling your name...


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