Thursday, October 22, 2015

I trust You, God!

I have hit the backspace about 15 times trying to get the right words to show up on this screen with no success. I know what God said but somehow getting it to appear here has been a monumental task today. Just as I started to give up for a little while, I heard 'write your prayer.' Ummmmmmm? What? No way, I thought! No one else needs to know how crazy I am! Y'all might not know this, but I can be a handful! I know God looks at me and shakes His head sometimes, laughing at what I am saying and wondering why we are having the same conversation AGAIN!  I look at MYSELF and laugh all the time so I get it! But I was reminded that God sees what I can't and so I'm learning not to fight against it. So, here is my prayer this morning. It's not deep but it's real and I pray that it encourages you to trust God right where you are.

Alright God, here I am! I don't really understand what's happening but I'm going to go with it. I'm not really feeling the process part of this journey but I'm trusting You. I know I've said that a lot and haven't always fully meant it but today, I'm voicing it from my heart. I trust You. I finally know that I don't have a choice. It's not an option because every time I go on my own, I end up mad, frustrated and behind. But I can't do that anymore! I'm laying it all the line, laying aside my opinions and trusting what You have said. I trust You to handle what I can't. I trust you to be all that You are! I trust you to be Jehovah Jireh, my provider! I trust that even though my circumstances aren't saying overflow, You are. I trust that even though my reality is not looking like I have enough, you are El Shaddai and You are more than enough. I'm trusting the fact that You are the God that sees me and my family. You are the One that promised that You would supply all of my needs according to Your riches in glory. So I trust You!

I trust You today, God with my day. I trust you with my work. I trust that You are guiding me and nothing is happening by accident. I trust that when You said I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me, You meant it. So, I will just obey. I will step out on faith, believing that I am who You say that I am. I am valuable to you. I am equipped. I am anointed. I'm an overcomer. I have purpose and I have power because You said so. Thank You for not counting me out when I didn't feel this way...when I couldn't say any of this out loud. Thank You for continuing to encourage me and confirm in me what I was. Thank You that my next is here and my latter will be greater. Thank You that you trusted me enough to share Your word with Your people. I pray that someone will recognize that You are enough for them too! I pray that someone will declare that they trust You too and will walk forward in faith toward their next, leaving those doubts, fears, and old behaviors behind. I pray that Your word, Your Spirit, your very presence will surround every reader and meet them at the point of their need. Do a new thing in each person, God! Restore! Rebuild! Remind! Have Your way and Your will be done! I love You, I honor You and I trust You like never Your Son's name, I pray...


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