Thursday, October 23, 2014

Chosen for a Purpose

Whenever I write Rhema, I start by asking God for a relevant, right now word for me and you. Sometimes it comes immediately, other times it's a struggle but every time, it meets a need for someone out there. Isn't that how life is? You go through various things and sometimes those situations leave you at a complete loss as to what you are supposed to do next. Sometimes the answer comes immediately and sometimes it's a struggle. But generally if you look back, there was a lesson that you had to learn. Today, God sent a word of reassurance with a little challenge mixed in. Don't you need that every now and then? To hear God tell you that you are in the right place or headed in the right direction? I know I do. goes!

"You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name." (‭John‬ ‭15‬:‭16‬ NLT)

That's it! Straight from the mouth of Jesus! If you have been struggling with your purpose or your call or even  with just who you are in general, this verse is for you. You were important enough to Jesus that He picked you to do a mighty work for Him. He has appointed you to produce fruit for the Kingdom. Jesus was speaking to His disciples in this verse and preparing them for the life they would experience after His death, resurrection and ascension. The disciples were just like you and me. They were normal people chosen by God to share His message. They were called from their jobs, their families, and their personal plans to "go and bear fruit, and that the fruit should remain" (NKJV). You might be saying to yourself, "ummmm, I am not a minister or a preacher!" Trust me, I know that conversation. But YOU have a purpose on this earth. Maybe it's to give the best hugs to those that look or feel unloved. Perhaps it's to be a great listener or friend. But maybe it is to be a pastor or prophet or evangelist. Whatever your purpose is, Jesus picked YOU to live it out. 

Don't get stuck in the whys and why nots of this life! You have something powerful to offer and it's worth the road and the process that you may have to travel to get there. So, here you are on this Thursday morning, trying to figure out why your husband is acting crazy or why your bank account is in the negative again and you don't have an answer. Well, here it is! How you react to these challenges are preparing you for your next level. They are giving you a testimony to share and a strength to stand on. And as you stand and share, the fruit, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Gal. 5:22-23 NLT) These Holy Spirit given fruits will remain! But not only that, having them give you all that you need to go forward in your purpose. 

Finally, I have to close by reminding you of something else in that verse. Jesus said that in bearing this lasting fruit, "God will give you whatever you ask for in My name." That's powerful and reassuring. This is not a lottery verse, folks, but rather an assurance of relationship and response. Jesus is letting you know that in choosing you, He also equipped you and connected you to a Father that will give you what you need. So, go forth knowing that you have been chosen and covered by the best!

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