Thursday, May 22, 2014

Follow the Light

I'm just going to put it out there. This has been a rough week in the Bryant household. From car issues to me not feeling well, we have had to make some adjustments in the way we normally do things. I found myself at times asking the age old question - why me? Has anybody been there? I always struggle with this place because so many people expect me to handle all situations with crazy faith, speak life constantly, and bounce back quickly. I, on the other hand, want to have a gloom and doom moment and throw in the towel. But I am grateful for a God that is faithful even in the valley. One who will remind you that if you just endure the night, joy will come in the morning. Where would we be without Him?

As I thought about this week, the Lord showed me a vision of the breaking of day…dawn. Dawn is that period right before the sun rises. You know, it's right when you start to see the darkness break and light filter in. Some of you are at the point of daybreak. You have been struggling through a long night season. Finances have been a mess, children off kilter, marriage a little suspect. You've been looking for any sign that the tests and trials are almost over. Well, The Lord spoke to me today and said stay in the fight and follow the light. Sounds kind of cheesy, right? But it really is a set of instructions that can help you get over the hump. You see, the breakthrough may not be what you expect it to be but I encourage you to grab hold to the breaking of day! Pay attention to those times that The Lord shows you an escape route or shines a light on a solution. He doesn't do things by accident. There is a plan for your life and it includes you prospering. The problem we often have is that we don't account for the storms in that plan. We expect sunshine and roses all the time when 2 Timothy 3:12 said that “all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution." There is a purpose for what you are going through. It doesn’t feel good but there is greater coming if you keep your eyes on the light.

What is this light? It’s Jesus Christ! He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12 ESV) When it feels like the night will overwhelm you and all you want to do is quit, look to Jesus and let Him lead you out. He is that morning glory! He is that light to your path! He is the only way out! Saints, I encourage you to follow the Light. I encourage you to speak to the storms and darkness in your life and declare Jesus over them. Philippians 2:10 & 11 says “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the father.” (KJV)You have the power of Jesus Christ on your tongue. Therefore, you have the victory! I have the victory! It’s time to get your eyes off the problem and get them on Jesus. He is the solution and the breakthrough. Follow the Light, saints! He will lead you to the joy! AMEN


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