Thursday, January 2, 2014

And the giant fell...

"Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord ’s, and He will give you into our hands.” So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. But there was no sword in the hand of David." (I Samuel 17:47, 50 NKJV)

This morning God sent me straight to the story of David and Goliath. It wasn't what I was expecting! I just knew we would be talking about a fresh start or a new anointing. You know? Something exciting! But instead He told me to look at these two verses in particular and said to me, "And the giant fell..." I sat still for a minute as I processed. Then I got it. This year is about strategy. It's all about understanding who God is in your life and in your struggles. He wants you to understand that what you face daily is not outside His realm of control. He wants you to see that He will give you the victory in small and big battles when you give them to Him. 

Notice that God highlighted in these two verses that the traditional weapons of war were not needed. God took what David had and made it into a giant killer. There are a lot of big battles that you may have to face this year or are currently facing that you don't have to fight the same way. You just need to know Who is behind the scenes. You need to see and acknowledge that the battle is already the Lord's and He will give you the victory. And it is not just any victory. It's a prevailing victory! That means that you don't just win by happenstance instead you "prove more powerful than the opposing forces." Don't you want to see the giants fall in your life this year? Don't you want to walk away from battle knowing that that particular enemy is dead and you have no blood on your hands? 

I challenge you this year to see God for who He is. See Him as the Master General, the One that draws up the battle plan and carries it out with precision. See Him as the One that can take your small salary, your weakness, your hurt and turn it into a giant killer! See Him as the One who can take small opportunities and use them to prepare you for big battles. Stand in faith and watch as the giants fall...


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