Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Writing is on the Wall...

The Lord has been using pictures to minister to me lately and today I saw lots of pieces of paper with lines and lines of writing but I couldn’t understand what it was saying. It was in an unrecognizable language. As I continued to look at the paper, one word became highlighted and turned to English. I sat for a long time waiting for what that meant and finally He gave me the answer. He said, “Your life is not a series of accidents. There is a script and there is a plan. Even if you don’t understand what is going on, know that there is a purpose. If you can just focus on what I tell you to do, your journey will be that much easier.” Whoa…
Often times the circumstances of life, the day to day “stuff” can overwhelm you to the point that you take your eyes off of what God has told you to do. The instruction is usually very simple but your mind says “that just can’t be all there is to it.” So you complicate the instruction by adding your own analysis, interpretation and opinion and you end up with a mess. Today, the message is simple. God has a plan for you and your life, let Him carry it out. I know this scripture is quoted and used all the time but it’s what He gave me to tell you. For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (Jer. 29:11 NLT) It’s time to stop taking the reins and trying to control everything and let God do what He does. I am still working on this because I have a natural inclination to find solutions but God continues to remind me that if just stay in position and listen to Him, I will avoid a whole host of pitfalls. You have to stay on plan!
It can be hard to stay on plan when you don’t know what’s ahead. Anybody out there like me? You want a clear picture, a road map, everything laid out, right? Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find anywhere in the Bible, where God says He will tell us everything that He has planned for us in bullet points. Have you? He says clearly that He has a plan and it's for good. But Isaiah 55:8 & 9 gives us a clue “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.  “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.” So when God showed me that one word in the midst of a whole bunch of words, He was telling me that He was going to give me what I could handle. He was going to give me the part of the plan that I need right now and as I need more, He will reveal more. Don’t allow yourself to get tripped up because you can’t wait for instruction to move. Could it be that God is waiting for you to master that one instruction before He moves you into the next part of the plan? Could it be that the way He is working things out is not as you imagined it? Trust the plan!
Paul reminds us again of God’s plans for us in Ephesians 2:10. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” (NLT) Do you see? God has known you from before you were formed in the womb. He planned you with good things in mind and He cannot go back on His word. Life will happen to you. He never promised that you wouldn’t have hurt or loss. As a matter of fact, He tells us clearly that you will suffer persecution for Christ’s sake in Matthew 10:16-22 and several other places in the Gospels. But He gives the assurance that even in the face of persecution and struggle, “he who endures to the end will be saved.” (Matt 10:22b NLT) There is a future and a hope for you, if you stay on His plan.
No matter what situation or circumstance you find yourself in today, I encourage you to focus on God’s instruction. If He tells you to walk, then walk with purpose. If He tells you to shut up, close your mouth and let Him do the talking. If He tells you to go, go in faith believing that He wouldn’t lead you astray. Put down the pen! Stop adding notes and ideas to God’s plan for your life. He will give the creativity. He will give the increase. He will provide the excitement. Trust that what He has for you is a million times better than what you could ever come up with. Be encouraged! God’s got a way that’s mighty sweet and a plan that's foolproof!

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