Thursday, December 26, 2013

Will you remember Me?

One of the most used phrases of the Christmas holiday is "Jesus is the reason for the season!" While it is certainly true, often it seems to be used to legitimize some other celebration. You know what I mean? It makes people feel better to add Jesus in somewhere even if He isn't first. But this morning, I heard a soft question...will you remember Me?

The time leading up to Christmas is called Advent. It is a time of expectation, hope and waiting. Now that Christmas has come, we are in celebration and manifestation. What you have waited for has come! Think of the Wise Men. They followed a star in hopes that what had been prophesied had in fact come to pass. "And when they has come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshipped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh." (Matt. 2:11 NKJV) They had come seeking this Child, and when they found Him, they did not forget their purpose. They worshipped Him! They gave gifts to Him! They honored Him! When Christmas came, did you remember Who it was all about? 

As we wind down this year, there is no better gift than Christ. He is the gift that keeps on giving. He wants nothing more than for you to be in relationship and fellowship with Him. When you are feeling lost or down, the star still shines bright to lead you to where He is. Will you look for it? When your heart is broken, the everlasting love and sacrifice that He represents still beats strong.  Will you receive it? When the promises you have been waiting for take longer than you expect or want, His presence still uplifts. Will you remember Him?

God has taken us on a journey this year of restoration, faith and trust. It has not always  been easy and sometimes it's been downright unbearable but we have made it to the cusp of a new year. I invite you to dive into 2014 with all the hope and expectation that you can muster. We serve a God that is faithful and timely and He has not forgotten you. Will you remember Him?

Thanks for traveling this road with me again this year. I am grateful for every read, every word of encouragement, and every prayer. May God continue to bless you...Amen!

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