Thursday, October 17, 2013

He's already got it under control!

My youngest daughter, Kennedi, turned 3 a couple of weeks ago. It is truly amazing how quickly time passes. Kennedi is small in stature so people often think she is younger than she is and though I am biased, she is really cute. For those reasons, I find myself wanting to help her do things that, at her age, she can start to do on her own. So ding ding...revelation! She doesn't need my help all the time! She would say to me, "I can do it, Mommy" but I just couldn't seem to let go and let her. So recently, I had laid her clothes out and was getting ready to help her put them on and she said "I'm gonna do it." Well I immediately started thinking that I could do it faster and without messing up her hair, etc even though I knew she could do it. Long story short, she did it and looked fine and because I trusted her to do it, she was excited by what she had done. Cute, right? Yep but what's the point? Do you ever find yourself doing what I did to Kennedi to God? Have you had an instance where God has told you that He would handle something but you thought of all the ways that you could do it better? It's time for your revelation moment! He doesn't need your help!

This morning as I prayed, I heard that very phrase. I then heard "My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor. 12:9 NLT) I didn't really get the connection because I knew that wasn't the context in which that scripture was used. Then he gave me that example of Kennedi and I was really confused! But then I got it, it's all about recognizing your role in the relationship. God is in control and has all that you need but you can get caught up in the intelligence that He has given you . So you try and run ahead and end up in a mess. True, He is a loving and great God but He is also the all knowing and all powerful God. Just because you see Him in His love does not make Him incapable. He has given you all the signs that He will do it but your flesh says "I can do it faster, smarter and it will turn out fine." I am here to tell you that your situation will turn around much quicker if you take your hands off. Because you see, once you let go, you are showing your weakness, and that welcomes God's strength and grace. He doesn't need your help!

One of the first bible verses we are taught is "Trust in The Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." (Prov. 3:5&6 NKJV) We learn it and then we seem to immediately forget it. This is the key and we are missing it. Stop trying to figure this thing out on your own. Your understanding of your situation is most likely not what God sees. There is a purpose and a reason for everything. Where you see defeat, God has purposed victory. Where you see lack, God has ordained provision. Where you see failure, God has prepared success. However, in your rush to see the end of the situation, you are missing the path. You are missing the signs of light. Read that scripture again. He says to trust with all your heart and not your understanding. Your understanding will not get you where you need to go, only God will. The instruction is not to help God by doing this or that. Your instruction is to trust and acknowledge. That's it! He doesn't need your help!

Believe me, I know how hard it is to wait! I know the temptation to add your opinion or move to what you think is a better position. I have been there and at times still give in to that but it is not the answer. Nothing you or I can do can come close to the perfection that God will achieve. Right now, God is speaking to His people and He is telling you to take your hands off. He had the plan worked out before you knew there was an issue but you slow things down when you interfere. Every word in the Bible has a purpose. So in Romans 8:28 when Paul says "And we know that ALL things work together for good of those who love God, and are called according to His purpose." I believe him! God is working on everything for me because I love Him and am called according to His purpose. How about you?

May God encourage and remind you that He is working on your behalf. Amen...

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