Thursday, October 24, 2013

Growing at the Door...

Life is an interesting thing. We go through ups and downs, times when we get it right and times when we get it wrong, joys and sorrows. In all of those things, God is speaking and He wants us to listen. It’s amazing, almost unbelievable, how many times we miss His voice. Over the last couple of weeks I have really been in conversation with the Lord about a lot of things but mainly with what He wants to do with me. I’ve been struggling with what it means to say yes to God. Actually, it’s more what to do after saying yes. In the midst of this conversation, God has confronted me with my biggest enemy…me! Sure, Satan has his role to play but how I deal with my own fears, faults and doubts is on me. I’m wondering if anyone else can relate. Have you ever been at a stage in your life where you slowed yourself down? Have you ever been confronted with your own choices and realized they weren’t the best? Have you ever missed the mark? It’s okay. The truth of the matter is everyone has but the key is how did you move forward?

This morning while I was in prayer, I had this interesting vision. I saw a door and the view zoomed in to the doorknob and then widened back out. There was a little girl trying to open the door but every few seconds the little girl would grow until she was a grown woman. I could only see the back of her but could clearly tell from how her size and hair changed that she was growing. But eventually a larger figure came to the door and helped the woman with the door. I asked the Lord what that meant. He immediately brought a scripture to mind that I had read last night. “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”  (Rev. 3:20 NKJV)

You see, there’s a time when we walk up to the door and we struggle to open it because we aren’t ready. We want God to speak to us and we want to be in fellowship but our ears and our hearts are blocked in a way. So, we stand at the door and go through different things and the blockage gets smaller and smaller. Until one day, through different experiences and lessons, you get to a place of maturity in Christ. You reach a point where you are ready to hear His voice and you ask the Holy Spirit to help you, even if there is a price you will have to pay. The Lord has been at the door the whole time but perhaps you weren’t ready for dinner. Maybe you wanted a snack or some water but not the full meal.

Friends, I’m here to tell you today that The Lord wants to come in and completely fill you up. He wants you to understand that the fellowship He will provide is worth more than the things you might lose. Everything that you have experienced has been for a purpose and if you ask the Holy Spirit to make it clear for you, you can see it too. On the other side of the door, there is a fullness of joy, there is restoration and there is strength. I encourage you to bind up the voices of anything else that isn’t God. You need to hear His voice with clarity and be able to know for yourself that it is Him. Nothing your flesh or Satan has to say to you will encourage or renew you but God will. Right now you are growing at the door, now you just need to sit down and eat!


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