Thursday, March 28, 2013

At the foot of the cross

I had to go out of town on business yesterday and the whole time I tried to figure out when I would do my entry. I eventually decided that I would wait until I got back home because I had a friend with me and I wouldn't be able to do my usual preparation. So that meant sleeping in before getting up to travel home.  I was prepared and rather excited about the prospect! And then at about 6:45, I woke up! Wait a minute, Lord! Come on...just one morning wouldn't have been alright? Oh I began to pray and immediately I heard "at the foot of the cross." My spirit leaped and The Lord said 3 words - waiting, suffering & expectation. 

Most biblical scholars will agree that Jesus was on the cross for about 6 hours and over the course of that time so much happened. We know that there were many people watching and waiting for Jesus to die. For instance, we know there were several women there. Mary Magdalene, who faithfully followed Jesus after he delivered her, was one of them. Imagine the pain of watching your Savior slowly suffering. But she stayed and waited and waited. Have you ever had to wait on something?  Whenever you come to the foot of the cross, there has to be a commitment to the process. Waiting sometimes means being uncomfortable. It's often unfamiliar and it causes you to look to The Lord for your strength. The whole time Jesus hung on that cross, He ministered. Whether he was speaking and praying to God or forgiving the thief, He continued to be who God sent Him to be. He stayed on that cross for 6 hours for us and took the whole punishment for our peace, healing and deliverance. He was there for us. So how much more do you think He is there now in your waiting place? He knows what you face so keep waiting and trusting and looking up to a present Jesus. We're at the foot of the cross...

It's not much of a stretch to think about the suffering that was taking place on the cross. Certainly, not to downplay it but there is not much that I can think of that could be more painful than having nails hammered into your hands and feet. But as I think about those that were at the foot of the cross, I immediately think of Mary. As a mother myself, I could not imagine watching one of my children hang on the cross. My heart breaks just thinking of her crying and knowing that the end was near and not being able to do anything about it.    It's an unimaginable suffering. But even in that, Jesus is there. "When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her "Woman, here is your son," and to the disciple, "Here is your mother." From that time on, this disciple took her into his home." (John 19:26 &27 NIV) The suffering was immense, but the presence of God was stronger. It does not matter at what place or depth of struggle and suffering you find yourself in, The Lord is present. He sees and He knows and He has the breakthrough, resource and deliverance available. He just has to speak a word. Mary was devastated but she stayed through the suffering and Jesus gave her a future. How are you handling your struggle? We're at the foot of the cross...

One of the most interesting aspects of the crucifixion for me are the Jewish leaders. They mocked Christ in a horrible way but yet they remained, essentially waiting to see what happened to him. There must have been somewhere in them that thought He might be the son of God and they were waiting to be proven right or wrong. Otherwise, it seems to me that they could have went on with their business. I mean, crucifixion was a nasty business. But yet, they expected something to happen. Even if they didn't have any sort of good intention, they added to the air of expectation that surrounded the cross. Jesus had  told the disciples that he would rise again. "He said to them, "The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. They will kill him, and after three days he will rise." The idea that Jesus would be resurrected was well known, otherwise the leaders wouldn't have gone to so much trouble to have the tomb sealed. There was an expectancy of the miraculous. Even those of the faith that remained during the crucifixion, like John and Mary Magdalene, had to be hoping and praying for something to happen. But there were so few of them...My question to us is if the haters can expect Jesus to do the amazing, in spite of themselves, why can't we? We must continue to believe God for the amazing and the miraculous. We're at the foot of the cross...

God is faithful and He is present. Even in the darkest hours of the cross, even of our lives, we must commit to the waiting process, stay in spite of our suffering, and live with expectation. The cross was significant in that through Christ's suffering, we gained peace, healing, and life. But the most important thing happened 3 days later when He rose again with all power in His hands. It's time for us to get up from the foot of the cross and walk into our resurrection! 

Be blessed...AMEN

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