Thursday, January 26, 2012

Something About Midnight...

Often times I am still waiting for God to give me a word as I sit down to write my entry but this week, He spoke early! I was sitting at my desk and I heard in my spirit, “It’s something about midnight…” I kind of sat up and took a breath. And I begin to think of some powerful biblical moments that took place at midnight. I got a little excited because I realized that this is an important thing to take note of. I immediately wrote on a sticky pad – something about midnight- 10 virgins, Paul & Silas. Whoa! I then received a prayer in my email about praying at midnight because God has been known to move in the midnight hour! There’s obviously a lot going on in the spiritual realm at midnight and we need to be tapping into that.

The story of the 10 virgins is a familiar one. It’s found in Matthew 25: 1-13 and is often used to remind us that we have to be ready when Christ returns or risk the door being shut. But I don’t know that I ever really studied the fact that the Bridegroom came at midnight. Verse 6 says in the NIV, “At midnight the cry rang out: Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!” I started to get excited because it just hit me that when circumstances look really bleak and there’s dark all around…if you are ready and waiting, Jesus will come and take you to another level…and it very well may be in the midnight hour! God moves at midnight!

If you will remember, Paul and Silas had been imprisoned by slave owners who were angry that Paul had called a spirit out of their slave psychic and caused them to lose their income stream. They were beaten, jailed and shackled.  Acts 16:25-26 says “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly, there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open and everyone’s chains came loose.” Think about this…these men were in a dark and terrible place. They were not only in prison, they were under close guard. In the midnight hour of their despair, they lifted up a praise to the Lord that got His attention. He sent an earthquake, in response to their praise, that shook the very foundations of the prison and freed everyone in the building. Hallelujah! I can praise God in my dark place and He will respond in a mighty way. But not only that, He can bring salvation out of that praise!  God moves at midnight!

Finally, do you remember the Passover? Moses told the Israelites to mark their doorframes with lamb’s blood so that when the Lord went through the land, their houses would be spared. “And at midnight the Lord struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well.” (Ex. 12: 29 NIV) The Lord moved with precision and purpose through the land of Egypt in the midnight hour. He was faithful to His word. That stirred my spirit because I saw deliverance in that moment. I saw that God knows exactly what He’s doing and doesn’t just move haphazardly through our lives. He was looking closely for the blood on the door so He would know which houses to pass. That shows me that when He gets ready to move, it’s according to His plan and will be performed exactly as He has detremined. God moves at midnight!

There are other instances of God’s moving at midnight but I don’t want to keep you here all day. My revelation was that even in your darkest hour, God is active! But it also made me aware of how the spirit realm is active. We know that the devil loves darkness and moves around in the dead of night but God shows that He has the power over everything! He can turn your midnight into day. So if you’re up one night in the midnight hour, begin to pray and ask God to move in a mighty way. He’s the same God, yesterday, today and forever. Give God a Paul & Silas praise in your midnight and see if you don’t wake up released and free! Keep your oil flask filled with the Holy Spirit and watch God invite you into a next level experience. Ask God to send your enemies a message and watch Him execute His plans with precision.  God has not forgotten about you! He still moves at midnight!


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