Thursday, January 19, 2012

Good Morning, Holy Spirit!

Yesterday afternoon, I was in a funk. I started to get overwhelmed by circumstances and situations, the girls were whining, and I had a lot to do. My flesh wanted to give up. I wanted to lay down and just block it all out…and maybe scream for a few minutes! I asked a couple of my favorite prayer warriors to pray for me and I went on with what I needed to be doing. I could feel myself wearing the stress.  But just when I wanted to say something off, I felt the soothing presence of the Holy Spirit come over me. It was truly like a soft wind and I took a breath. I took a few minutes to rest in it and I was able to go forward. Have you ever been washed in His presence?

A lot of times, people do not give the Holy Spirit the honor He deserves. He is a powerful force that intercedes for us and inspires us. He teaches us and leads us. This is not intended to be a study of the Spirit because that would take way more space than I have. But I wanted to acknowledge His presence because it is through His inspiration that I am able to write this devotional every week. It is through Him that you are able to operate in whatever gift He gave you. It is through Him that we can be called the children of God.  If you haven’t read Romans 8 lately, please do! It is so encouraging to know who you are in Christ! Verse 14 says that “The Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.”  

So many of us experienced tough times in 2011 and are standing on God’s promises in 2012 but Romans 8:26 reminds us that “the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.” Isn’t it comforting to know that you can go in your secret place when you are at your low point and the Spirit will intercede with the Father on your behalf?  John 14:16 goes further and tells us that He will abide with us forever. Have you ever been comforted by His intercession?

Many of you have been going through some type of consecration fast this month, whether corporately with your church or as an individual or couple. You’ve chosen various things to sacrifice and for a variety of reasons but the ultimate goal is to crucify your flesh so that your spirit can grow. You have most likely been charged to fill those places where you would have eaten certain things with spiritual things and your Word. Now is an awesome time to seek the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction. “For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man, which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God.” (1 Cor 2:11) Your spirit is so open during a fast so tap into that awesome power and listen when the Holy Spirit speaks.

I want to encourage you today to let the Holy Spirit love on you. If you have lost a loved one, He is the great comforter. If you are lost and don’t know where to turn, He intercedes for you. And if you have been searching for answers, He is the truth. Rest in Him and find your peace…I’m a witness that there’s no sweeter place…

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