Thursday, January 5, 2012

Restoration is coming...

I love the beginning of a new year. It’s an opportunity to start fresh and rededicate myself to God’s purpose for my life. Even though this should be a daily practice in our lives, there’s something about a new year! It’s like we are at the starting line of a new race and we don’t have all the sweat and dirt and dust of the old year clinging to us, we are clean and focused on the journey to come. I intentionally buried many things in 2011 along with the shovel, and have determined that I will not pick those things up again. I buried the old Ebony and I won’t miss her. I truly believe that this is a season for restoration.  All of the things that the enemy has worked to take away from us will be restored through Christ – peace of mind, joy, health, finances. It’s our season if we will do what God says.

This week God brought me to Ezekiel 36, specifically verses 25 -28. Now, I must admit, this chapter is not all sunshine and roses but it is an awesome tribute to how God will restore in spite of us.  God is speaking to Ezekiel and telling him to prophesy to the mountains of Israel how He is going to restore them for the Israelites after their exile. He tells of how awful they behaved and why He scattered them all over and exiled them in the first place. God was angry and plainly says that He was performing this restoration, not for them, but to show forth His holiness through Israel after His reputation was blackened over and over again.

Think about this. Like Israel, we were doing our own thing, living the way we wanted to, and going against God’s will. But God looked down at us and even in His anger decided to take us, and clean us up. Why?  So that others might realize who He really is through the work that He has done on us! Ultimately He must get the glory. That is why this is not just a season of restoration but also of reconciliation. In verses 25 -28 God says, “I’ll pour pure water over you and scrub you clean. I'll give you a new heart; put a new spirit in you. I'll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that's God-willed, not self-willed. I'll put my Spirit in you and make it possible for you to do what I tell you and live by my commands. You'll once again live in the land I gave your ancestors. You'll be my people! I'll be your God!”

God desires to wash us clean and renew our spirit so that we will do what He tells us to do and live by His commands. When we do that, we will back in our rightful places! On January 1st, I felt like I could feel God getting the pitcher of water and beginning to pour it in my spirit. I was in desperate need of a soul and spirit renewal.  I was ready to replace all of the dead stuff with life!

 As He began to refresh my spirit, I liken it to earlier in chapter 36, when God tells the mountains of Israel that they “will burst with new growth, putting out branches and bearing fruit for my people Israel. My people are coming home! Do you see? I'm back again. I'm on your side. You'll be plowed and planted as before! I'll see to it that your population grows all over Israel, that the towns fill up with people, that the ruins are rebuilt. I'll make this place teem with life—human and animal. The country will burst into life, life, and more life, your towns and villages full of people just as in the old days. I'll treat you better than I ever have. And you'll realize that I am God. I'll put people over you—my own people Israel! They'll take care of you and you'll be their inheritance. Never again will you be a harsh and unforgiving land to them.”

That’s restoration, folks! Everything that looked dead or in ruins in your life is being rebuilt. Your life is being plowed in order to make room for all the life and fruit that is coming. God closes that section of scripture with the promise that those mountains will never again be harsh and unforgiving for the people. Many of us have survived some tough, dry places but if you keep going and pressing, you will once again feel your soul being restored. So don’t be discouraged if you don’t see things changing immediately in your situation, the enemy is just waiting for you to say the wrong thing and block you. Remember that God is pouring newness into your spirit and preparing you for the fruit that is about to come forth. He said that He’ll treat you better that He ever has before. Hang on to that and watch God move…

Happy New Year and AMEN!

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