Thursday, November 10, 2011

Enough is Enough!!!

I woke up this morning and got mad with the devil! I know what you’re thinking. Is there a theme going here? She keeps writing about the devil. Well, there is a theme of sorts because the devil is working like a theme. Just like in writing, you decide on a topic and that’s what you focus on. Well the devil picks up on a target and that’s what he focuses on. First, I have to acknowledge that everything is not the devil. Sometimes we make decisions and we are just dealing with the consequences of those decisions. But I’m not talking about those things. I’m talking about that lying, destructive, evil being that walks the earth looking for who he will devour.  Fear comes from him. Guilt comes from him. Shame comes from him. Sickness comes from him. Deception comes from him. You see where I’m going with this?

Well, this morning I said enough is enough! As I was praying, I heard so clearly – STOP RELINQUISHING YOUR POWER TO THE DEVIL! Woooooo! Okay, God! Then it was so plain to me. We give Satan most of his power. Don’t get me wrong, He has his own kingdom of demons and imps whose sole purpose is to kill, steal and destroy. But how many times have you spoke death into your own situation? How many times have you opened the door to Satan by doing something that is contrary to God’s word? How many times have you thrown your faith out the door as soon as a storm rose up in your life and instead let fear come in? That’s giving Satan power! And guess what? He doesn’t deserve it!

Satan was one God’s beloved angels! He was set apart but he decided that he wanted to be greater than God. The Bible says his wisdom was corrupted by splendor.  So he had a certain amount of power and authority as one of the angels but God cast him down out of heaven. Ephesians 2:6 says that we are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Now…if we are seated in heavenly places with Jesus and He is seated far above principalities and powers (Ephesians 1:21), what does that mean about us?! It means that we are seated above Satan and his foolishness! Stop allowing the devil to be on equal footing with you!

1 Peter 5:8 says “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” He is looking for someone that is not paying attention. Someone that he can overwhelm! The Message Bible says someone he can catch napping! That tells me that if we are alert and paying attention, we can stop Satan in his tracks. Verse 9 says stand firm in your faith. Faith is your weapon! Knowing who God is and what He has done in your life should give you power! Knowing, not just reading and thinking it’s nice, but KNOWING that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, and what He did for others He can do for you gives you POWER!!

I am not giving the devil one more ounce of power over me! I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus! No weapon formed against me shall prosper! I want everyone that reads this blog or devotional or whatever you want to call it, to stand up and tell the devil that he is defeated! God reigns in me! I have power over you, Satan and you will not win! Thank you God for victory! Thank you God for healing! Thank you God for peace! Thank you God for joy! Thank you God for power! I am who You say I am and not what the devil would have me to think. No matter what my circumstances are I will go forward because You said that I am a joint heir with Christ!

THE DEVIL IS DEFEATED!!!! We are taking our power back!!!!!!



rsmith5485 said...

The devil is defeated! God reigns in me! I have power over you, Satan and you will not win! Thank you God for victory! I am a joint heir with Christ! I had to repeat these lines a few times. Thank you Lord!

Anonymous said...

The devil IS defeated! I have power over Satan and everything that God has for me is for me! The devil cant steal, kill, nor destroy unless I let him. So today I take it all back!! Glory... the devil is Defeated and God is exhaulted forver and ever more! Thank you God for your grace, thank you God for your healing, Thank you God for my victory and my deleverance.. Thank you God! Kenya Riley...

Maurice said...

On this day, I declare the Devil is Defeated!!! Thank You Ebony.

Anonymous said...

The devil is defeated. Thank you Lord. Thank you Jesus. I will not let the devil win.

Deb Simpson