Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving My All...

“When I think of the goodness of the Lord and all He’s done for me, my soul cries out…Hallelujah! Thank You for saving me!”

 When I sat down at the computer to write today, this phrase was ringing in my spirit. You know when you really feel something; you might a get a tingle? Well… I felt that thing, y’all! But then I was waiting for the next step. Where do you want to go with this, God? So I waited and it came so clearly – It’s time to take the routine out of our praise! Wooooooo, God! Okay…

Most of us have heard this line so much growing up that we don’t even have to think about it. It just rolls off our tongues without a thought. We have a lot of sayings like this one in the church, phrases that we call on depending on the situation or the preacher might use when they want to get a response. We use them so much that even the world knows them and uses them in movies or sometimes when they are mimicking the church. But what happens when we really think about what we’re saying. Have you stopped lately for a check in with God? Have you just sat alone and thought about what the Lord has done for you in 2011? Last year? Your whole life? If you haven’t…stop right now! I bet if you just think back a few minutes, you can see something that God has done for you.  But that phrase says, ‘when I think of the goodness of God and ALL He’s done for me!’ That’s enough to send routine running out the door!

God is looking for true worshippers, those who will give Him their very best. John 4:24 says those that will worship Him in spirit and in truth. It doesn’t get farther away from routine than that, does it? Worshipping in spirit and in truth is giving it your all. John 4:24 also reminds us that God is a spirit so this passage is telling us that we have to meet God in His realm! Spirit to spirit! There’s no room for playing church when you are a true worshipper. When God has brought you from some hard places, only authentic praise will do! I often think about the old Ebony. She LOVED to party! She could get to the club and give it all she had…shut the party down! It was a rare occasion if she and her friends weren’t still there when the slow song came on and the house lights started flickering on. I know there are some witnesses out there! I had to get the most out of her experience and I usually did! After all, what was the point if you didn’t go all the way?

So now…how would I look if I give God a halfway praise? What sense would it make to say that I am too ashamed to jump for God or run if the Spirit says so when I wasn't anywhere near shamed in the world? It doesn’t… God has done too much for me to keep my praise in a box and pull it out routinely when a preacher reminds me to think about God’s goodness! If I could give the devil my best, I’m certainly going to give God my ULTIMATE!

On this Thanksgiving Day, let’s pledge to be true worshippers! Let’s decide that from here on out, we are going to be thankful EVERY DAY! Psalms 100:4 says “Enter His gates with thanksgiving AND His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.” Notice that not only are praise and thanksgiving partners but enter and give are in the present. That means whenever we read this verse, we should be entering in and giving thanks! 

So next time you hear one of those good old church phrases, really think about what they are saying and give God an unusual praise! Isn’t He worthy of you stepping outside of your box?

When I think of the goodness of the Lord and ALL He’s done for me, my soul cries out Hallelujah!

Be blessed, everyone and  Happy Thanksgiving! 

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