Friday, November 18, 2011

Peace be with you...

This has been a crazy day! I’ve been going since 4:00 this morning and it’s now well after midnight. Every time I thought I would have an opportunity to write, something would come up to distract me. I’ve been sitting here for almost an hour trying to still my mind enough to hear what God was saying. Finally, I heard the word, ‘keep your mind stayed on me and I will give you perfect peace.’ I felt my whole body relax. I exhaled. It was a healing word for my soul. Sometimes, we get so busy doing this or that and when the day has passed, we can’t even remember what we did. God wants so much to spend time ministering to us but we have our minds on everything but Him. Will you turn your attention to God today?

I’ve talked to so many people this week, struggling with decisions or battling the enemy for their family or healing from a broken relationship. All of those people were seeking one thing - peace. When Paul tells us in Philippians 4:6 to “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God", he isn’t giving us something to write in greeting cards. He is telling you how to get the peace of God. It’s a peace that surpasses all understanding. How many of us are really going after peace? Its time out for allowing the enemy to send you to the hospital with chest pains because your family members are acting crazy. Lay your concerns at God’s feet and that perfect peace will come. Will you trust God to handle your brokenness today?

Far too many of us as Christians are walking around bound up in worry or frustration, not understanding why we are in certain situations. But instead of casting our cares on God because He cares for us, we carry them around, wearing them like a coat.  God is waiting for us to let go and allow Him to rain peace on us. Isaiah 53: 5 tells us that Jesus took care of all of our concerns on the cross. The Message Bible makes it very clear, “He took the punishment and that made us whole.” So why do we feel the need to become best friends with our worry? Why do we pray for deliverance only to turn right back to the same attitudes? Jesus went to Calvary and suffered so that you could have peace. Will you give away all of your old burdens today?

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be our comforter. Do you think He meant only on special occasions? No, He meant when your child is unrecognizable to you because of their behavior. He meant when your heart is broken and you think it will never be healed. He meant when you’ve believed God for a breakthrough but it takes longer than expected. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 says “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation...” (NLT) That says at all times! God is willing and able to give you a peace that heals and restores and keeps you, if you will keep your mind stayed on Him. Will you focus on God today?

Don’t let the enemy or your family or any outside circumstance have your peace! Determine in yourself that you will keep your mind stayed on God. When you feel your peace slipping, encourage yourself knowing that God is the ultimate keeper. And when nothing else will do, remember the words of Christ in John 14:27. “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”(NLT)  That’s good news, family! Stand on it…

My prayer for each of you is that you will have peace! AMEN…

1 comment:

Donald W. said...

Great blog! I am glad that you took the time to express this word. Continue striving to please Him. He will keep you and bless you abundantly in the spirit. You should check this blog too.