Friday, May 3, 2019

Oh, Saturday!

Hey family! Happy Resurrection week! What a great time to celebrate the victory of Jesus Christ. There is great power in remembering that great victory can come after crushing pain. As I reflected on this week, God instructed me to tell you that it was necessary. I heard your immediate question, “What was necessary?” I asked it too! His answer was immediate as well: Saturday.

“The next day, on the Sabbath, the leading priests and Pharisees went to see Pilate.” (Matt. ‭27:62‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

The “next day” in the Resurrection story was Saturday - the day after Jesus’s devastating death and the day before His extraordinary victory. It is the least talked about days in the 3 day stretch, mostly because the Bible doesn’t say much about it. The verse I highlighted is the first in a 4 verse section that talks about that day and that just about sums it up. (Read Matthew 27:62-65) Here’s the thing about Saturday! A whole lot of you are right there. You are stuck between the instruction and the manifestation, the deep loss and the joyful recovery, the yes and the purpose. It’s an extraordinarily hard place to be in but yet you don’t have permission to quit. There’s no answers but yet an expectation that you hold on and be strong.

You see, the Bible doesn’t mention directly what Jesus or His disciples were doing on that Saturday. We only see what the enemy was doing. We only see the plotting and the attempt to make sure Jesus doesn’t fulfill His promise. The Lord highlighted that fact for me so that I could encourage you. You see, the enemy needed a follow up meeting to try to ensure his victory but the Lord did not. He said it, everything happened as He said it would and that settled it. Yes, Saturday would have been filled with grief and despair for the disciples but there would have also been expectation that just maybe Jesus would do what He promised. Though we don’t know for sure all of the details, we know that it was not an easy day. What about you? Though this season has been extremely challenging,do you still have your hope? Do you still trust the word you received?

Listen, fam! I need you to wait out your Saturday! Don’t get distracted by the enemy’s desperations and distractions. Instead, remember the promise that the Lord made you. He told you that you would make it to the other side. He told you that you would finish. He told you that He would heal you. He didn’t say that it would always be easy but He did say there would be victory. He did say that He would be there until the end. Don’t lose hope because there’s no step by step guide. Why? Because you have The Word and in the end, He wins every time!


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