Thursday, April 26, 2018

Where are you starting from?

You’ve probably heard the popular line from the song, “Started from the bottom, now we’re here!” If not, I’m not sure how you missed it. It’s everywhere! Anyway, it’s a celebratory line about winning or making it regardless of how you started out. As I was riding to work and listening to a devotion, the line played in my mind almost immediately followed by another thought. What if you started from the top? What if you started from a place of victory instead of rallying from a defeat? How would your perception of your life change? How would your attitude about your next steps adjust? So my question to you today is where are you starting from?

Think about this. When the angel appeared to Mary and told her that she would bear the Son of God, she was overwhelmed and surprised but her response was, “Let it be with me, according to your word.” (Luke 1: 38  NKJV) She started her pregnancy from a place of trust and faith that if God believed her worthy then she should accept the assignment. As a result, she brought forth the Word and raised Him to fulfill his assignment. Though she had to go through the heartache of losing Him, she got to see the joy of His resurrection. What if you started your next assignment from the place of trust instead of fear? I dare say, you will see victory!

What about this? When David went up against Goliath, no one believed in him. His brothers tried to disparage him. The king doubted him. But he told them, “The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine!” (1 Sam. 17:37 NLT) Before he even started the battle, he spoke with an assurance of victory. Based on his past experiences and who he knew God to be, he went to face Goliath from victory and not seeking victory. He already knew that it was done! What if you went into your next battle reminding yourself of who God is instead of how big your enemy is? I dare say, you will see victory!

Consider this! When God spoke to Abraham and told him to sacrifice his long prayed for and awaited son, he got up early the next morning to do what God said. When Isaac asked his father where the sheep was for the burnt offering, Abraham answered with the provision that he didn’t even know was coming. He said, “God will provide a sheep for the burnt offering, my son,” Abraham answered. And they both walked on together.(Gen. 22: 8 NLT) Before he even got to the point of carrying out the test, he obeyed and spoke his prayer. What if you started your next test with obedience, believing that the answer to your prayers was already provided? I dare say, you will see victory!

Sometimes you need to take a minute and shift your perspective. If you start with failure and loss, you will receive just that. However, if you choose to start FROM victory instead of hoping for it, your steps will lead you that way. One of my favorite teachers, Graham Cooke, says that your starting place guarantees your outcome. It’s time to re-examine your starting places. Let’s change the game! I'm shifting my declaration to, “Started from the win, now I am here!” How about you? Where are you going to start from?


Thursday, April 19, 2018

The question of destiny...

It’s late so I am going to try to be brief today but I have been thinking a lot about destiny lately. It’s a big deal! What is God calling me to and will I get there? Am I by myself?  There have been books and blogs written about it. Sermon upon sermon have attempted to motivate people to chase it. But the Lord told me today that it all comes down to a choice. Stay or go!

Think about this! The Lord told Jeremiah in that famous verse,  “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
‭‭(Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11‬ ‭NLT‬‬) Then David said that the Lord perfects that which concerns you or as  the New Living Translation puts it, “The Lord will work out his plans for my life...”(Psalms‬ ‭138:8‬a ‭NLT)‬‬ So it is stated that there is something positive waiting for you and that the Lord is on your side working but if you don’t answer when He calls, then what? Many of you aren’t headed towards destiny because you won’t take the first step of obedience.  ‬‬‬‬‬‬

When God told Abraham that he would be the father of many nations, the first thing he had to do was go where he was sent. His destiny was wrapped in his obedience. And note, Abraham made a lot of mistakes after he said yes but He always went where God sent him and he was honored for it.

When Moses got his assignment at the burning bush, he didn’t feel qualified and pushed back despite the in-depth training session. But he chose to go back to Jethro and get released so that he could obey God. From no confidence to ultimately preparing Joshua to carry the torch,  it all started with a ”go”.

When Jesus blinded Paul and told him that he would preach the gospel, the first thing he did was pick himself up off the ground and go... even though he couldn’t see where he was going. Though he started from the lowest place, his destiny said he would advance the Kingdom and he did.

So many times, the world and circumstances will throw a curveball and take you off course. But if you will just go when He calls, you will see destiny fulfilled. You will feel purpose propelling you. You will know that you are moving in the right direction at the right time. Don’t let your staying in comfort, keep you from your destiny. Trust the God that says He knows the end from the beginning! He has seen how the story turns out!


Thursday, April 12, 2018

It's all for YOU!

My pastor just started a series on discipleship and it is already stirring things up in the spirit. You know, discipleship is one of those topics that steps on your toes and taps on your shoulder. Whenever you are challenged to face who you really are and your commitment to God, it can get tight quickly. So today as I was preparing for Rhema, I was worshiping and praying in the spirit and I heard a serious question. Who is it all for? I paused. What do you mean, Lord? Of course it’s all for you. And then you know, the follow up question came…is it really? You see, today, I want to do a little heart check. I want to bring things back into perspective and draw you away from the distractions of talent and position.

I was drawn to Psalm 63 when David was in the wilderness and He was telling God how he felt about Him. What I found was that David was also checking the body of Christ. Sure, you shouldn’t take things out of context in the Word. However, we recognize that the Word is living and it addressed people in 200 BC the same way it can in 2018. David said something that struck me. He said in verse 1, “My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water.”(NLT) My spirit immediately rose up and said, God forgive me if I haven’t thirsted for you. Forgive me, if I have allowed the work of ministry to get in the way of giving my whole body in worship. When was the last time, you laid out before the Lord without care or concern of who was looking. When was the last time you released control and let your praise and worship spill out without looking at your watch? The world doesn’t have what you need but yet it gets all of your attention. Who is your time for? Who is your worship for? Who is your body for?

I went on down the chapter a little bit and in verse 5, David said, “You satisfy me more than the richest feast. I will praise you with songs of joy.” (NLT) As I am writing, I feel like some of you need to reach down and find your joy again. You need to know what it is to be so satisfied by God to such an extent that the job doesn’t matter, the surroundings don’t matter, the opinions of man don’t matter. Can you find your joy in Him alone? Can you sing for joy even if your circumstances don’t reflect it? Can you cry out hallelujah even if your heart has been broken? It’s time to deal with what really satisfies you? You see if it’s a person or a place and not God, you will never have enough. You will always be searching! But if you find your joy and your satisfaction in the true and living God that never forsakes and never leaves, you will have the answer. There will be no need to look any further. Who is your life for? Who is your service for?

The end of Psalm 63 seals the deal! David says, “But those plotting to destroy me will come to ruin. They will go down in to the depths of the earth. They will die by the sword and become the food of jackals. But the king will rejoice in God. All who swear to tell the truth will praise Him, while liars will be silenced.” (vs 9-11, NLT) When you put your trust and joy in the only One who can protect and cover you, your enemies have no place to go with their lies. Those that speak ill against you have no audience to tell your story. You see, the enemy often works in visuals. If he can make your circumstances look bleak, he can make you give up. If he can make your family look ruined, he can make you walk away. If he can make your life look lonely, he can make you isolate. If he can make your diagnosis look impossible, he can make you will yourself to death. BUT if you can do like David when he said, “I cling to You; Your strong right hand holds me securely.” (vs. 8, NLT) If you can make up in your mind that you will find yourself in the Lord and that everything you do is for Him, you will make it. You will overcome. You will WIN! It’s time to self-examine and tell the truth so that our answer will be…IT’S ALL FOR YOU, LORD!


Thursday, April 5, 2018

It's NOT too late!

Happy Thursday, family! I just have a quick word to share with you today and I hope it encourages you. Are you ready?


Yep! That was it! That’s what the Lord dropped in my spirit this morning. You see, there are so many people doing amazing new things – new businesses, new ministries, new moves. However, there are some of you that have been having a long running conversation with the Lord about your life and your goals. You have repeatedly used phrases like, “I’m too old to…” “Who will listen to me?” “Everyone else is” “I missed the window”. Well, I’m here to tell you today to get over yourself! Sorry, if that sounds too harsh. Let me give you some truth.  If God has called you to something, He isn’t worried about your age or the box that you have put yourself into. He is the Master Planner and the One that sees the end from the beginning. Even better, He is the one that has the resources! So the question that He posed to me today was, “Why don’t they trust what I see?” Whew! There goes all the air out of the room! When you tell the Lord what you can’t do, you are essentially telling Him that He isn’t big enough to get you there. You are saying that you don’t believe what He says He sees in you. Hmmmmm…wow!

Okay…let’s take a step back! Let’s look at what God said to Jeremiah. He said, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” (Jer. 1:5) This was BEFORE Jeremiah answered the call or did anything prophetic. The Lord told him that He already knew who and what He would be. Soooooo, if He said to you, start a particular business. Do you think He said it without knowing what He put in you? If He said to you, create a program for youth. Do you think He said it doubting that you could do it? You see, it’s odd to me when people quote, “I can do all things through Christ that gives me strength.” (Phil. 4:13) Yet when He asks you to go minister to the people in your family, you respond with “I don’t have what it takes.” It is time to stop with the excuses, folks! It’s not too late.

Do you remember Abraham? He was minding his own business at 75 when God told him that He would be the father to many nations. What if his response had been that it was too late? What if he didn’t step out on faith and go when God told him to?  It’s time for you to stop talking yourself out of your next level with excuses. I’m a witness! I did it for way too long but guess what?! At 39, I’m pushing on to bigger and better. It’s not too late to make an impact in the Kingdom. It’s not too late to love. It’s not too late to gain new knowledge and skills. It’s not too late to answer the call. If God said it then He has the resources, capacity and ability to bring it to pass. The Lord is not promising easy or without challenges. But He is promising that He will stick with you through the entire process. He will not leave you in the middle! C’mon, saints! Trust Him with your yes today. It’s not too late!
