Thursday, December 21, 2017

Identity shift!

Nine years ago on Christmas Day at 5:17pm, my whole life changed. I gave birth to a beautiful little girl named Sanai, who despite many doubts from doctors, arrived on her expected due date. She was small and caramel and looked just like her daddy. She barely cried and I remember asking if she was okay because I didn’t hear anything after she was born. On that day, I had an identity shift. All of a sudden, I was someone’s mother. I was responsible for making sure that she was fed, protected, and prepared to face the world. It overwhelmed me and I looked to my own mother for a comfort and knowledge that she was uniquely able to give me. Because that day was so life changing, I remember it like it was yesterday. So what is your point, Ebony? What does my birth story have to do with you? The Lord reminded me of this day and what happened to me because of the birth of a baby. He, in turn, asked me to remind you of how the birth of a baby 2000 years ago has affected you. It caused an identity shift!

Listen, the world has made a real effort to shift your attention from the birth to the gifts. If you think long enough, it makes sense to key in on the wise men and their gift giving because it is the most comfortable part to digest. It doesn’t take much faith to envision giving gifts to a new baby. If you give all of your attention to that, you don’t have to try and reconcile the Immaculate Conception or the assassinations by a threatened king or even the various appearances by angels. In focusing on the gift giving, not only do you lose sight of just how much this birth changed the world but it also shifts you away from how much the birth prophesied who you were meant to be. You see, upon His birth, the world went from waiting and reading “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Is. 9:6 ESV) to the reality of “And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger... (Luke 2:7a ESV) There was no longer the tension of possibility that was felt with Isaiah’s prophecy. Now, the waiting was over! The baby had arrived, and with Him the manifestation of the promise of restoration and redemption. As soon as He was born, there was a shift in who you could be.  Don’t miss your identity shift!

Just as my identity changed with the birth of my daughter, yours did with the birth of Jesus. Do you remember how I said that Sanai was born on her due date? Well what I did not mention was that I was sent home from the hospital on Christmas Eve because I wasn’t ready for birth. It frustrated and upset me because I was in a lot of pain and I thought it was time; but what I failed to realize then was that her birth was written in the plan. She came on time despite my frustration, the nurses’ predictions, and the doctor’s projections. And so it was with the birth of Jesus. Despite the circumstances, the doubts and the struggles, He came right on time, and it was about so much more than a manger and some gifts. It was about what He would do for you 33 years after that night. It was about the fact that you would need a savior and an advocate. It was to shift your identity from one who was born in sin and shaped in iniquity to one who is saved and redeemed. It was to transfer the responsibility for your protection and provision from you to Abba Father. When Mary said yes to God, it propelled you into destiny. Can you imagine that? Someone else’s yes hundreds of years ago was the vehicle to your victory. True, if she had said no, another would be used but you have to understand that the plan was already written and it included her yes. He did not have to have an alternate because He had chosen the right one. Some of you are so afraid to answer your call when the reality is that you are the right one and your yes is already in the plan. You are just slowing down the process with your fear.  Accept your identify shift!

In all of my rambling, I hope you understand that the birth of Christ solidified who you are in the Kingdom. With Him, you are victorious. With Him, you are saved. With Him, you are purposed. His birth means you are no longer who the world wants you to be. You are identified with Him, forever changed from dying to life! Sanai made me a mother on that Christmas day many years ago and on His birth day, Jesus made you a winner. May you embrace your identity shift and walk in who you are!

Merry Christmas!


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