Thursday, October 6, 2016

An Expected End...

The Lord spoke to me this morning about keeping my eyes on the expected end. He challenged me to stop looking at my life situations through my natural eyes and focus on what He has shown me. He challenged me to wait with expectation for the promise to come to pass. He said that I would see what I have been praying for! What about you? Will you take up the challenge to wait on your expected end?

The Lord sent me to Jeremiah 29:11 early this morning but as I began to write Rhema, He told me to back up and look at the previous 10 verses. You see, sometimes you won’t be excited about your expected end until you acknowledge where you’ve been. Jeremiah 29:10 -11 says “This is God’s Word on the subject: “As soon as Babylon’s seventy years are up and not a day before, I’ll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out – plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” (MSG) You see the Israelites had been in exile for a number of years already at this point and though it wasn’t like the Egyptian captivity, it was an unfamiliar land and one not meant for them. There were foreign gods and false prophets and a separation from what they knew. But it was a predetermined time period of 70 years. Would you act differently if you knew how long you had to endure your struggles? But I digress. Jeremiah sent this letter to the Jewish leaders in exile and told them to carry on with their lives as they waited. He instructed them to build houses, plant gardens and marry. He told them to pray for their captors and beware of false prophets attempting to throw them off of their path. But at the end of the 70 years, He was going to show up just as promised and release them back to their homes.

That’s a word! How many of you can pray for your enemies that they prosper even while they mess with you? How many of you can continue to build your business, sow into people and create relationships while you are waiting for your own breakthrough? Do you see that no matter what is happening in your life, you are to keep living and trusting God as you wait for your expected end? Do you understand that even in the hardest of circumstances, you are to keep your eye on the promise, believing that God has planned a future for you that you can’t even imagine? Whew! I’m getting excited!  I feel God pushing me and you toward our destinies. Because that’s what it’s all about, right? The enemy desires to cut you off from fulfilling your purpose but God has declared that He has plans for you that include a future and a hope! You may have been struggling for a long time but God sees you at the end of it and you are better and stronger. You may have had to survive some deep hurts and disappointments but you have made it and you will get to your promise. Why? Because He planned it that way! He planned for you to get all that He promised! It’s your expected end!

I want to declare to you today that you are right there! I want to agree with you that if you just keep living and obeying, that you get to that future! Don’t grow weary in your well doing! Don’t give up on your praying! Don’t walk away from your sowing! God is going to show up right on time and carry you to your destiny. He’s going to do just what He promised and it will be for your good and for your future. Oh get excited, saints! Your expected end is coming and it’s mighty good!



Anonymous said...

Amen to that

Anonymous said...

From brother Herbert