Thursday, January 28, 2016

Press on...

For the last 2 days, my voice has been almost non-existent. I literally sound a hot mess!  But even through that, I’ve had to do at least 4 Skype interviews both days. Imagine that! The interesting thing is that though it was an absolute struggle to get through, I made it. The conditions weren’t what I wanted them to be and the people didn’t miraculously cancel like I prayed that they would, but I made it. I had to take to my bed afterwards, but I MADE IT! God gave me just enough voice to carry out my assignment. So I wanted to encourage you to keep pressing through the hard spaces. Keep plugging away at the challenging relationships that you have to deal with. Keep standing in the difficult seasons of your life no matter how long they seem to be. Why? Because God will always give you what you need to complete the assignment. So I’m here to encourage you today to trust in the consistent and faithful God! Trust that what He promised you will come to pass…

Hebrews 10:32 – 39 blessed my soul today! I mean it really blessed me because I needed a reminder that God was in this with me. Not in the sense that I thought He had gone missing but like that hug you get from your mama or your best friend that tells you that you aren’t by yourself.  You know what I mean? That back rub or cheek touch that says they are there. That’s what the Lord gave me through this word today. If you have been going through challenges or wondering what to make of the circumstances you’re in, perhaps you can relate. You see, Paul was reminding the Jews of who Christ was and what He did for them. He didn’t want them focus on what was but look to who Christ IS.

Instead, think back to the days after you were first enlightened and understood who Jesus was: when you endured all sorts of suffering in the name of the Lord, when people held you up for public scorn and ridicule, or when they abused your partners and companions in the faith.  Remember how you had compassion for those in prison and how you cheerfully accepted the seizure of your possessions, knowing that you have a far greater and more enduring possession.  Remember this, and do not abandon your confidence, which will lead to rich rewards.  Simply endure, for when you have done as God requires of you, you will receive the promise.  As the prophet Habakkuk said,

In a little while, only a little longer,
    the One who is coming will come without delay.
 But My righteous one must live by faith,
    for if he gives up his commitment,
My soul will have no pleasure in him.

My friends, we are not those who give up hope and so are lost; but we are of the company who live by faith and so are saved. (Heb. 10:32-39 The Voice)

You see this scripture takes you back to the beginning of your faith! You know, when you completely trusted that God was with you and you stood on that. It reminds you that there is greater coming. It reminds you that in a little while, Christ will return and you won’t have to endure the struggles of this life anymore. It reminds you that those big giants can’t defeat you because you understand who Jesus is in your life. Saints, be encouraged! Know that if you simply endure and do what God has asked of you, you will receive the promise. You are not one to give up hope! No, you live by faith and so you are saved! And what does saved mean? You are whole, complete, healed, delivered and set free! I challenge you to walk in that and press on!



Unknown said...

Hallelujah...thank you for always sharing a rhema word. It is a right now needed word.

Unknown said...

Hallelujah...thank you for always sharing a rhema word. It is a right now needed word.