Thursday, November 5, 2015

God is big enough!

A couple of days ago, I was having a horrible day – luggage was lost, late for my work event, and foolishness was everywhere! I was tired and frustrated and not myself. As I was standing at my fair, a student walked up with a bracelet on his arm that stopped me in my tracks. It read GOD IS BIG ENOUGH.  It may sound weird but I felt like God read the message out loud to me. It hit me hard! I kind of stared at it for awhile, mentally trying to pull myself together while not looking completely crazy. I finally got my voice and told him that I liked his bracelet. The student took the bracelet off and gave it to me,and said share the message! I took that literally and shared it on Facebook and then God started giving me specific messages for people surrounding the idea of Him being enough. And so here I am to tell you…He is BIG ENOUGH!

I don't know about you but I need reminders! I often have so much going on in my life that if I don't have a list, I will forget something. I have a great memory but the older I've gotten, the more I rely on “the list”. The same thing is true when it comes to God. Sometimes I get so caught up in what the world is saying or what my circumstances are looking like that I forget the breadth of God. In other words, I forget just how big He is. I get so distracted by how big everything else is that I forget that God is bigger! Well, that's when I have to rely on my list of the names of God and this week, it has been El Shaddai, God Almighty, the All Sufficient One. The One that used a bracelet as a live reminder that He is big enough to show up at a law fair in Texas at my point of need and say “I see you and I am big enough to handle all that you are facing.” Did you know that Shaddai comes from the root word shad that means breast? For a newborn baby, the breast is the source of nourishment and supply. If you have ever seen a breast fed baby you know that they are attached to their mother for that sustenance. They will seek to feed or be close to that source whenever they are near her because they know she has what they need. And so it is with El Shaddai. He wants to sustain you, bless you and supply your need. Even better, His supply never runs dry. As I really thought about that, my spirit was encouraged and yours should be as well! Why? Because you don't have to search for what you need, God will supply! You don't have to search for enough strength to make it, God will nourish! You don't have to search for enough energy to stand, God will sustain you. He is BIG ENOUGH!

I’m not a mind reader and I don't know each of you personally but I know that you have had to fight some battles in your life. I know that stress and people have slowed down your progress at some point and made you question who you are supposed to be. I even know that loss and transition have forced you to make hard decisions. But can I tell you that God is big enough to handle all of those situations? He has enough insight and wisdom in the tip of His finger to take care of every aspect of your life. He is just that big! Revelation 1:8 says, ““I am the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end,” says theLord God. “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come—the Almighty One.””(NLT). You know what that means? It means that everything that has happened to you had a purpose, everything that's happening now has a purpose and everything that will happen, has a purpose. And best of all, God is with you in all of it. He is so big that He encompasses the beginning and the end, the past and the future! Everything! He is enough for every situation and circumstance! Cancer, grief, divorce, anger…whatever it is, He is BIG ENOUGH!

So be encouraged today that God has everything that you need and He is willing and able to supply it. Trust Him as El Shaddai, God Almighty, All Sufficient One. He is everything you need in one! He is your sustainer and your supply! He is your blessing and your nourishment! He is BIG ENOUGH…


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