Thursday, April 30, 2015

My Prayer for You...

Dear God,

It’s me again! Today, I simply wanted to thank You for every person that is reading this entry. I pray that their hearts are lifted and their spirits encouraged by who You are in their lives. I acknowledge You as El Elyon, the Most High God, Who knows all and sees all. I pray that as they read this prayer that You will search their hearts and strengthen them in the places where they are weak or hurting. I pray that You take every rip and tear and knit it back together as only You can. I pray that you take every nagging memory and every tormenting spirit and cast it back to the pits of hell from whence it came. I pray that you replace those feelings of tiredness and frustration with energy and triumph. I pray, God, that Your peace will reign in them today.

God, I acknowledge You as Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who sees and provides. Your word says that You will supply all of our needs according to Your riches in glory through Christ Jesus; therefore, I pray that You will meet each reader at their need, whether physical, spiritual, or financial. I pray God that you will give them exactly what they need to accomplish what You have called them to do. I pray for miracles to manifest in their lives, God. I pray for breakthrough to manifest in their lives, God. I pray for provision to manifest in their lives, God. I pray that You will show them who You are and that they will recognize you as the Source. Bless them, Lord, in the name of Jesus!

God, I acknowledge You, as Jehovah M’kadesh, the Lord who makes us Holy. I pray that You will focus their minds on living a life that is pleasing to You. I pray that they will be living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto You. I pray, God, that You will make them over, transforming them by the renewing of their minds. I pray that You will give them clean hearts and renew a right spirit in them that they may represent You well in the world. God, I thank you that you don’t see them as they are but through the lens of Jesus Christ and who they will be.

Finally, God, I acknowledge you as Jehovah Raphe, the Lord who heals. I pray for every reader that is experiencing sickness of any kind. I pray healing, restoration, and renewal over their minds and bodies. I pray, God, that they will believe you to be able to do anything. I pray that their faith will be strengthened and they will speak life over themselves in the name of Jesus. I pray that cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart conditions, mental illness, arthritis, low iron, breathing issues, allergies, kidney issues, stroke, and brain conditions must come under the subjection of the Holy Spirit! I declare that these illnesses and any other that I left unnamed have no power over these readers. They are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. Jesus bore 39 stripes for their healing and I call it forth right now. I pray according to Your word that they may prosper in all things and be in good health, even as their souls prosper. I’m grateful that you are the God of all grace, Who after they may have suffered for a while, will perfect, establish, strengthen and settle them. Thank You, God for your healing touch going out right now over them in the name of Jesus!

Thank You, Lord, for allowing me the privilege of sharing Your word with these readers. I pray, God, that they are encouraged to keep pressing, praising and moving forward. I pray that if they have any sins that are weighing them down that they would repent and be forgiven. I pray that this prayer encourages them to call on You for whatever they need for You are the Great I AM and I thank You for being You. I’m excited about what You’re going to do in their lives!  I love You, I praise You, I thank You, and I expect You, God! I pray these things in the name of Your precious Son, Jesus!


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