Thursday, January 8, 2015

God YOUR God

Vashawn Mitchell has a song out now called God My God. It’s a great song with an even greater message about who God is. The thing that really stands out to me about the song is the words God my God. It’s a personal declaration and reminder that God is mine. He is MY God! He is MY strong tower, MY deliverer, MY protector, and MY provider. Sometimes you can get so caught up in sharing God with the masses that you step away from really cherishing who God is to YOU! This is not a knock on evangelism by any means. All of us have been called to the ministry of reconciliation and drawing people to Christ but that’s not what I mean. This year, this month, TODAY, God wants you to know without a shadow of doubt that He is YOUR God. You see, the truth of the matter is that you can’t effectively share Him or His message with anyone else if you haven’t completely taken hold yourself.

God is. I mean, He just IS! You can fill in the blank of who He is to you and that can change by the hour. Some days you need Him to be Jehovah Rophe, your healer. Some days you need Him to be Jehovah Shalom, when the storms are raging and you need His peace. Some days you need Him to be Jehovah Shammah, and know that He is present for you. In fact, He is so big that when Moses asked Him what he should say when the Israelites ask His name, the reply said it all.  And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” (Ex. 3:14, NKJV) Think about that for a minute. When God says I Am who I am, He is telling you that everything that you need can be found in him. EVERYTHING. There is nothing that can out “be” God. So many things try to take priority in your life but God is the only One that can be everything that you need.

Have you ever found yourself so overwhelmed with life that you just felt lost? Or you felt frustrated and couldn’t easily describe why, you just knew that things were not flowing the way you needed them to. Saints, this happens when you allow other things to get between you and YOUR God. It’s just like when your car is out of alignment. The car will veer to the left or the right and it just doesn’t feel completely stable.  What do you do? You take the car to the mechanic and let them do an alignment. Well, today, God is calling you to re-align yourself with Him. It is a new year and time for renewal and restoration. Let that start with you and YOUR God. Let Him be in charge, in control, and out front. Let Him be your strong tower and your guide. You’ve tried to do it on your own for long enough. Jehovah Tsidkenu is calling and reminding you that He has made you righteous through faith in Christ! El Shaddai is calling and reminding you that He is more than enough for you! El Roi is calling and reminding you that He sees you and your circumstances!

There is nothing that God cannot handle for you. I know you are strong, smart and confident but He is all powerful, all knowing, and self-existent.  He never changes and His promises never fail. He is the great I AM and I challenge you to seek and find whatever you need in Him. After all, He is God YOUR God!


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