Thursday, November 6, 2014

Trust Me...

Has anyone ever seen something in you that you couldn’t see? Perhaps someone has told you that you were anointed or gifted or that something you said or did blessed them and you wanted to laugh or maybe just run the other direction. What do you do with that? How do you react? Because I will tell you that your response makes a difference. This morning the Lord said to me, Trust the gift. Then He boiled it down even further and said, “Trust Me.” Sigh…does the Lord keep saying the same thing to you? Think back over the situations that you have been in and the circumstances you have faced in recent months. Do you think it’s possible that God’s ultimate goal was to get you to rely on Him and Him alone? So when God says to trust the gift, I hear Him saying, trust that what He has given you, led you to, carried you through, allowed you to endure was meant to bring you to a place of pure trust in Him.

God is talking to you this morning. He is tired of seeing you go around the same mountain over and over again. He wants you to walk in wholeness. He wants you live your best life. He wants you to be free of bondage. But let me tell you something, it all comes down to trust. I am the queen of not wanting to acknowledge some of the gifts that God has given me but I am always forced to confront them in some form or another. It’s time to look at your life in a different way. It’s time to stop making excuses for why things keep happening over and over again and hear what God is saying. TODAY. I’m always uncomfortable when God gives me this kind of word because I much prefer to just be encouraging but He is speaking so clearly to His people. He is speaking clearly to me. He is speaking clearly to YOU. It’s time to trust what He is doing in you and act.

Let me pose a question. Do you believe God? Simple question, right? You immediately answered YES with confidence, right? Okay…well do what He says. He has equipped you to do it. And don’t make this complicated. People will often trust Him much easier when He says move to California but when He says go pray for your brother, it’s a struggle. “Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Heb. 13:8) So the same way He asked Peter to trust Him on the water, He is asking you to do the same. Your friends don’t have to understand. Your family might not agree but this is not about anyone else. You have to be in God’s will, not mine or your mama’s.  He will not lead you wrong; as a matter of fact, not only that but He will lead you to where you need to be.

So here you are. Looking around at a reality that often throws you for a loop and wondering how to trust that what God is saying to you is the right thing. Let me help you out. He will never go against His word; so He won’t tell you to do anything that will not ultimately bring Him glory. You may not understand the process or the reasons but why should you? It’s not your plan. It’s time to trust the Master planner. It’s time to stop getting in your own way. It’s time to stop letting other people dictate your path, your decisions, and your life. Trusting the God in you sometimes means that you have to step out on your own. Sometimes it means that you have to believe beyond what you see. Sometimes it even means you have to quiet some voices that have speaking louder than God in your ears. TRUST GOD! Trust the gifts that He has given you and the fact that the journey to get where you are going might not be easy, but the victory will be sweeter for just trusting Him while walking it out. “Open up before God, keep nothing back; He’ll do whatever needs to be done: He’ll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high noon.” (Psalm 37:5 MSG)

God bless…AMEN

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for this word. Lisa