Thursday, July 31, 2014

Everywhere I Go...

Back in the day, my youth choir used to sing this cute little song. Jesus is mine, Jesus is mine! Everywhere I go, everywhere I be, oh Jesus is mine! It was catchy and easy for us, as kids, to remember. This morning when I started singing it out of the blue, I heard The Lord say, remember it now. There is a really simple but important message from the Lord today...He is with you.

What's going on in your life today? Is everything going great? Are you struggling to find your way? Does everything look unfamiliar but you're expected to do the same things? Maybe it's the opposite and everything looks familiar but now all of a sudden your needs are completely different. I don't know where you are but God does. And He wants you to know that He is right where you are and He is yours.

I am reminded of when Moses presented Joshua as the new leader of Israel. He was soon to die and God had told him that he would not see the promised land. The people were at this critical place between the wilderness and the promise and they needed assurance that they would have guidance and direction to get all the way there. Some of you may recognize that place. Moses had to both turn over his leadership and encourage Joshua at the same time and he gives the word that The Lord wants me to give you today. "Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” (‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭31‬:‭8‬ NLT) Moses says similar things in verses 6 and 7 but God keeps putting the focus on verse 8. I believe it's because He wants you feel the intimacy of what He is saying.

You see, you need to know that God is with you right now. He is right in the thick of things with you and He will not fail you. He wants you to understand and recognize that He is personally invested in you and your success. Don't get caught up in the why of everything. He doesn't owe you an explanation as to why He does what He does or why He allows certain things to happen. Sometimes, He will give you one because the time is right but if He doesn't, you still need to know that He is there and He is working. This is a difficult time in some of your lives for various reasons. You are like the Israelites trying to get to a promise when all you have felt was wilderness. But God is intentional in what He does and what He says and when He says something, you can take it to the bank.

Be encouraged today to walk in your purpose, face your giants, and stand on faith because God is with you. He is faithful and He is love and He desires you to be all that He called you to be! **singing** Everywhere I go, everywhere I be, oh Jesus is mine! Amen...

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