Thursday, February 13, 2014

After this...

Writing Rhema is probably the most interesting assignments The Lord has ever given me. It's also the most challenging. I have had to be transparent to the world in a lot of cases with things I had no desire to share. 95% of the time, the word has ministered to me before I ever hit send to post for you all. Sometimes, the word comes quickly and sometimes it's a waiting game filled with a bit of stress and pressure as I fight against the urge to throw in the towel or just wait for another day. But every week God allows me to see the purpose. Someone will say that they really needed that particular message and I am reminded that spirit comes before flesh.

Isn't our life with God like that sometimes? There are times when the answers and the blessings come quickly and you are grateful and excited. Other times you look at your life and wonder if God is paying attention to you when you pray. It's in those times when you must dig in and wait for God to move. Not an easy task.

 God showed me today this vision of a dark sky. It was completely black, not even a few stars. But then all of a sudden, there was an explosion of purple light and it cascaded down and then would go away. It happened several times and truthfully, I had no idea what I was looking at. But then God said to me, "That's My glory. I want to share it with you all the time but it's often blocked with the darkness of distraction." He then instructed me to share a challenge.

Today, as many may be home due to weather, is an opportunity to spend some quality time with God. He has given a specific task. First, He reminded me of a recent situation in my life.  I had a lot going on at the time and missed an important time in a close friend's life. No matter how unintentional it was, it was hurtful to her and our friendship suffered for it. You could say our season was over but in actuality, it was neglect. I was caught up in what I had going on and missed all the signs. It took me a while to come to the realization that I had gotten it wrong because all I could see was my stuff. Distraction is a powerful thing.  As God reminded me of this, He said 'this is what happens everyday with My people.'

So here's the thing. God has so much He wants to share with you but you are missing it. So today, the challenge is to examine yourself, your life, your situation and see what you may be missing. Have you made it easier for yourself by shifting the blame to someone else? Perhaps, you have heard God tell you to do something but ignored it because it wasn't comfortable. Maybe you have even looked at yourself through rose colored glasses and refused to walk in your truth. Whatever it is, it's time to come out of it. "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." (Rom. 8:18 NKJV) You see? It's worth it to answer the challenge. It's worth it to go through so you can get to the glory. 

Saints, this life in itself is a challenge. Everyday we have to get up and fight a battle between our flesh and our spirit. We have to make decisions that affect how our lives play out. God truly wants to give you all that you desire but there are things you have to do. Don't lose out on intimacy with God because you are neglecting Him. Don't miss revelation from Him because you are distracted by life. Take the challenge! Matthew 6:33 says "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you." It's worth the examination. It's worth the hard questions. It's worth the revelation. What you gain will make it worth all of the effort. Be encouraged...there shall be glory after this!


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