Thursday, July 11, 2013

Where's the boat?


Moment of truth! I've had some moments of discouragement lately. Yep! I'm putting myself out there! I was at a bit of a loss and just needed some clarity and a faith boost. I think if you're honest, you've been there too! I prayed and asked God to show me something that would help me and this is what He told me...
Imagine you’re on a small boat in the middle of the ocean after a shipwreck. There is nothing around you but miles and miles of water…no land in sight. You’re tired and hungry and you just want to go home. Prior to the wreck, you remember hearing that there was a big ship that passes on this same route every so often but you didn’t hear the specific time. So…you’re sitting on this boat waiting on that ship so that you can be rescued. Time passes and still no ship. You keep waiting and waiting for that ship but all you see is water in your horizon. During the course of time, there are waves and sharks and other dangers that threaten you and your little boat but you never capsize. You start to get discouraged and wonder out loud often where the boat is and why it hasn’t come. You keep reminding yourself that the statement was made that the boat was coming but it gets very hard to maintain your confidence. Finally, you are at the point of death and giving up, you see something on the horizon. It’s the boat! When it reaches you, the captain calls out as though he’s expecting you and then you realize he is calling your name. They get you safely on board and the captain says to you…”I’m glad you held out until we got here.” You ask him how he knew your name and he replies, “I knew you were out here the whole time from the ship’s passenger list but I had to follow my route even through a lot of debris that was left over from the ship wreck. Good thing you didn’t give up!”
Well alright, God! I hope it helps you like it did me! It made so much sense to me. You see, life can be very difficult. We face hard financial times, dry seasons, death, marital issues, sickness and it seems sometimes like there is no way out. We know that God is able and aware but at times it feels like you are out there all alone. It often seems the hardest when we are living right and doing what God has asked of us. But God reminded me today that no matter what we face, He is there. He knows exactly where you are and He is working on your behalf. There are aftereffects and consequences from things we experience or even bring on ourselves but He continues to work and move even if we can’t see it. The key is to stand on His word because it is truth and it will not return to Him void.
I’m reminded of Moses and his relationship with God. In Exodus 4, God sends him back to Egypt to free His people. He gives him a Word and miracles to perform but easy is not what Moses finds. As a matter of fact, he becomes quite discouraged when things don’t seem to immediately work out and asks God why. He says, “O Lord, why have You brought harm to this people? Why did You ever send me? Ever since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has done harm to this people, and You have not delivered Your people at all.” (Ex. 5:22-23 NASB) Sound like you? ‘God, I’m doing what you asked me to do and yet You have not done what You said you would!’ It’s not always an easy road and even those of us who are believers and even working in ministry or leadership face hard trials. But Moses is a testimony to fighting through the hard times and being obedient to see your purpose fulfilled. All of the miracles that God eventually worked through Moses brought about the release of the people of Israel.
I want to encourage you today to continue to hold on and look up. No matter where you are in your process, stand strong and know that God has you! “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Rom. 8:15 NKJV) Keep your eyes on the horizon; God is sure to show up right on time!
Be blessed….AMEN!

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