Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence Day!!

Today, America  celebrates its freedom! It was a hard fought and high priced freedom with many lives sacrificed for the good of many. As I reflected on that,  I immediately thought of Christ and what He did so that we could be free. I know it's not Easter but His resurrection is real today! Today, I challenge you to celebrate your freedom! 

Do you remember the day you gave your life to Christ?  Was it a Sunday or a Wednesday? Was it in your bedroom, on the street, or at the altar? Do you remember a feeling of release and joy? Did you feel lighter? God wants you to remember YOUR Independence Day! He wants you to celebrate the moment that you met His Son and welcomed Him into your heart. You see, your freedom was hard fought and high priced too! Christ paid the ultimate cost for you and if truth be told most of us put up quite the fight. But He did it and we should celebrate that moment. 

Ok...I hear some of you saying my life is a mess right now and I don't feel much like celebrating. Hey, I understand the struggle! Trust me...but let me ask you you remember America being involved in any wars after independence was gained in 1776? Absolutely, there were multiple wars - Civil War, WWI, WWII, and the list goes on up to today. What's my point? There was no guarantee after America won independence that another enemy or situation wouldn't come along to challenge its freedom but once independence was secured that was it! Christ did not promise you a pain free, battle free existence after you got saved but He did say, "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." (John 8:36 NKJV) You are free and your freedom is secured!

Today, as you eat your burgers and watch fireworks, think about the precious gift of freedom that Christ so lovingly presented you. Don't dwell on what is not but rest in what is! You have  a God that loves you so much that He gave you His Son so that you could be free. Honor that and enjoy your independence!

God bless and keep you during this holiday weekend!

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