Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving shift

When I woke up this morning,  I contemplated not doing an entry. What is left to say about thanksgiving? We all know that we should be thankful everyday and not just once a year. We all know that God is good and worthy of our praise and thanksgiving. What is left, God? The answer I received  was it doesn't matter what we know if we don't put the knowledge into practice. Since last week, I have been hearing in my spirit that God is waiting for us to take our focus off of the struggle and the circumstance and shift to thanksgiving and praise. It's not enough anymore to just say that we are grateful and use all of the church phrases. We have to live every day with a grateful heart, acknowledging what God has done, is doing, and will do. Are you willing to shift your focus?

Harry Ironside, a pastor and author from the 20th century, once said, "We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction." When we make a conscious decision to give God praise and thanks instead of worrying, we are telling God that we trust Him and the enemy that he does not have the power to run our lives.  We won't have time to focus on the hard things if we just keep looking at our blessings. I think about all the families that are grieving today, and I'm grateful to be on my way to eat with mine. I think about all the homeless in our country and I'm grateful that I woke up in my bed. I think about all the divorces and I'm grateful to talk to my husband even with all his! My point is there is a blessing in every circumstance, we just have to find it. Are you willing to shift your focus?

There probably isn't a better story about thankfulness to God in the midst of a hard place than Paul and Silas in the prison. Acts 16:25 says "So the jailer put them into the inner dungeon and clamped their feet in the stocks." Does it get harder than that? The key is in their reaction. They did not cry and whine. They didn't bring everyone down because of their situation. Nope! In the midnight of their situation, they sent up a praise and ministered to others. Remember? The Word says, " But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them." (Acts 16:25) and they got a reaction! An earthquake came that shook the foundations and opened the prison doors. Imagine if you looked at your struggling marriage, your crazy children, your negative job situation, and your poor finances and told God thank you. What do you think His reaction would be? Well my faith is just crazy enough to say that He will send an earthquake to shake up your situation!

God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that works in us. Your thanksgiving is power! Your praise is power! It's time to function with gratefulness instead  of struggle and a shift will occur! I pray that today is the beginning of your journey to praise and thanksgiving! God has been that good!

Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for each one of you that takes the time each week to read this blog! Be blessed today...AMEN!

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