Thursday, November 1, 2012

Living Testimony

Last Friday, I lost my Aunt Wendy unexpectedly to a blood clot. One of the last songs she posted on Facebook was the old Rev. Clay Evans songs, “I’ve Got a Testimony”. It gave me a great peace that at the end of her life, she knew what God had done for her. I didn’t wake up wanting to do a memorial to my aunt, but all morning the words to that song have been playing in my head. I believe that God used this moment in my life so that I could make sure that you really realize how important it is to not only love the people in your lives and make sure they know it but to have a testimony. Who is God to you? Has he brought you through anything hard in your life? Even in the difficult times, we can look back over our lives, and see the victory because you’re still here. You have a testimony!

Today, as I thought about the power of a testimony, the Holy Spirit immediately took me to Revelations 12. This is the chapter that describes the war in heaven when Satan was cast down to earth with all his angels.  To me, this is one of the most powerful chapters in the Bible. You get to see just how nasty the devil is and what his plan was. He was furious to be defeated and cast out and he made it his business to wage war against all that keep God’s commands. That’s us!  But do you know how Michael and the angels defeated him? Verse 11 says They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” (NIV) He couldn’t shut them up! They had the blood of Jesus and the power of their testimony to fight for them.

Let me tell you something that you already know – the devil is busy and he hates you! I have seen him recently attacking marriages, children, jobs, family relationships and churches. His whole intent is to deceive you and keep you from standing on what God has told you. “…He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44 NIV) He’s a liar! He speaks words into this world designed to destroy you. Is he saying any of them now? Failure? Bad parent? Bad spouse? Stupid? Weak? Crazy? Has he been pointing out all of the things that you have going against you? If so, I challenge you to get up and fight! You can overcome the devil’s lies with the blood of the Lamb and your testimony!  Need help?

I want you to look back over your life and think where you could have been? If God had not intervened in certain instances, what would have happened to you? Right now, everything may not be exactly as you want it but you’re reading this so you can see and breathe. You have a testimony! You are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ. What that child has done is not bigger than what God can do! What that spouse says or does to you, is not stronger than God’s purpose for your life! What your job outlook currently  is does not dictate your future. The loss of important people in your life does not determine where you will end up. You see, God is faithful and present and through Jesus Christ we will always triumph!  

Later on in Revelations 20:10, we are shown the devil’s future. Folks, there is a lake of fire waiting for him and he will be tortured day and night forever! He does not deserve your time or your words. Use your testimony to move forward! Use your testimony to defeat the spirit of fear in someone else! Use your testimony with the blood of the Lamb to overcome the devil in your life! You have so much power in you; that it would probably blow your mind! God didn’t bring you through sickness, debt, depression, and a broken heart to keep it to yourself. Stand on it as further evidence of just how much God loves you. I know my own testimony and if God could use me to share His Word with you every week , he can use ANYBODY! He’s that great of a GOD!

I challenge you today to walk in victory! Don’t let any attack slow you down or take you off track. You are an overcomer! Sing with me! “As I look back over my life and I think things over, I can truly say that I’ve been blessed, I’ve got a testimony!”


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