Thursday, July 7, 2011

Listen to God Speak

It’s amazing how time passes so quickly! Here it is summertime, when it seems like it was just winter. I know I’ve been guilty at times of moving through life at the speed of light, rarely stopping to rest or enjoy life. I always have somewhere to be, something to watch, or something to do. I looked around and the baby I feel like I just had is now 2 and a half years old with more stuff to say than the news! Where did the time go?
This week at church, we were charged to pray more. Not the pray while you’re driving or taking a shower prayer, but focused, no distractions time with the Lord. What a revelation that has been to me! I pray all the time but I realized that I had gotten so busy with life that I was squeezing God in when I had a minute or at the end of the day when I was so tired, that I wasn’t giving Him all the time He deserves. I would get up in the morning and say my prayers in the shower and then with Sanai on the way to school and throughout the day but I was moving so fast that I wasn’t always giving Him a chance to answer.
As I was waiting for a word today, I went on YouTube to listen to some music and the first thing I saw was the phrase, “Listen to God speak”.  So I slowed down and stopped what I was doing and just reverenced God and I waited. And don’t you know He spoke…
Are you taking the time to hear God speak? He really wants to talk to you and share with you but you have to be available to hear that still small voice speak a word. And when you take the time to stop and listen, He will not only speak to you but He will refresh you! In Acts 3, Peter tells us that when we repent and turn to God, He will send times of refreshing.
 I don’t know about you but I need the glory of the Lord to refresh me! I am making time to spend with God…going into my bathroom with the lights off and just communing with Him. He has already sent revelations my way and awesome encounters with the Holy Spirit. Don’t let time pass you by and you miss the opportunity to commune with the One who has blessed you to have what you have.
Be blessed!


Anonymous said...

Amazing message, just what the doctor order! I'm gonna take a seat and ponder on this heavy message.

Thanks Mrs. Ebony

rsmith5485 said...

Thanks. This was so refreshing for me. I, too, am constantly on the move and have always been a moving mother that was constantly doing or going somewhere for one child or another. I started taking time for myself but again that has stopped. With taking time for myself, I still hardly ever stopped for time with God. I, too, prayed while driving, cooking, walking,you name it but not still and focusing only on God. Thanks for reminding me that I have to be still and commune with God and He will refresh me. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.

Tyra said...

Its amazing how God works. Its one thing to go to church and hear a good word but when he confirms that word, it becomes an amazement all its own. Im just now reading this today vs the day it was posted but this past sunday my pastor included this in his sermon....WOW. life causes us to be in constant movement and even if we have time for Him, we are always talking to him. Prayer is a conversation & that works both ways...He wants to talk with us as well! i too am greatful for the reminder of Him refreshing me if i only would be still and listen! in the words of our President....i approve this msg...GREAT JOB EBONY!!!