Thursday, June 30, 2011

Nothing is Impossible...

This week the Lord laid on my heart to give a testimony…
When I got pregnant with my youngest daughter, I immediately said that I needed a bigger vehicle. I saw the Traverse and was sold! I kept saying that I wanted it and I was going to have it! I didn’t really think beyond that. I did my research but focused on size and space…no real thoughts of mileage or having a brand new car payment after a year of not having one or other practical things. Didn’t even consider a used one! I didn’t take the time to really consult the Lord and wait for an answer. I went on my own. God gives us free will and He allowed me to get the car. Well…almost the minute I got it home, I had buyer’s remorse. I secretly cried and asked God how I could get out of it. But it was too late…it was mine.
So I went through the year with a new higher car payment and terrible gas mileage but great space, which outside of a few occasions, I never used. And of course, the gas prices went higher and higher! But recently, I was sitting in my living room and noticed an envelope…looked like junk mail so I tossed it aside and moved on. Then I heard a voice say “Open that envelope”. So I picked it up again and opened it. It was a letter from a dealership saying that they were looking for vehicles like mine. I could trade it in and get a deal on something else. I figured I would go and see what they were talking about. My main concern was to get better gas mileage and not increase my payment. Maybe this was God’s way of answering my prayer. Could it be?
I determined that I would not make the same mistake again so I prayed and asked God to work in the situation. The next day I went to work and asked a co-worker for his opinion. He gave me a recommendation of a salesperson. When I got to the dealership and walked in the guy’s office, the first thing I saw was a hat that said FBI Jesus (Firmly Believe In Jesus). Okay, God! I found a car, test drove it and was ready to go. The guy was very upfront and honest. Then….I went to the finance office. This new guy came out of left field and told me my payment would be the same or could be higher. At first, I balked and thought to get up and run! I asked my friend that went with me and he helped me talk through it. But then I felt a peace and heard clearly to trust God. I recognized that the enemy wanted me to walk away from my blessing and I contemplated doing it.
Over the course of the next couple of days, the enemy tried to shake me. He told me that I wouldn’t be able to lower my payments or find a bank that would give me the rate I wanted. He pulled out all of the big guns – doubt, worry, fear! So, I prayed and asked God if I was hearing Him wrong to please let me know. Well, the next word I heard was Luke 1:37! “For with God, nothing will be impossible.” Well…I got the call from the bank and I drove that car off the lot! On top of that, I will get a refund from the other dealership for a maintenance plan that I purchased with the Traverse!
1 John 1:9 says that “If we confess our sins, God is faithful to forgive, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Despite my rebellion and lack of patience, I asked forgiveness and God heard my prayer and He answered. Man will tell you all the things you can’t do but, God says nothing will be impossible with Him. When I put my trust in Him, I got a blessing with other blessings I wasn’t expecting attached to it. If you are facing a decision or a tough situation this week, remember that God is an ever present help in the time of trouble. He is waiting on you to trust Him and take Him at His word! He never fails!


rsmith5485 said...

God is an ever present help in the time of trouble and I will continue to keep that in the forefront of my mind. What an inspiration! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is wonderful. Nothing is impossible with God. Thank you for reconfirming and the weekly inspirations.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your TESTimony and a word of encouragement for us all during these trying times when we tend to think we are in control. This confirmed some things im facing and it tied in with some wise words from the book of Proverbs.Proverbs 19:21; 21:5; and 21:30. God bless you this day and forever more.

Anonymous said...

I had the same doubt in getting a car. But with us we didnt mind if it was used, borrowed or brand new! God told us that we ws going to have a car, and yes the devil attacked on SO many different ways. I remember getting the call saying " you dont have this and you will need that". But God already had everything thta we needed and then some! Went to choir practice that same night, feeling down in my spirit, but the next day went to the dealearship and drove to work in my BRAND NEW CAR! Used but still brand new to me! God is good all the time. Thanks for sharing this.. I will have another one to tell soon.. I am trusting an Beliving God will give me one last desire! Love ya.. Kenay Riley!