Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Long Way Home

The Long Way Home
Yesterday morning, I determined in my mind that I was going to church that evening. I told my husband early so that he could be prepared and planned my evening so that I could be there...on time! Well, of course, the enemy heard me too and determined that he would throw every stumbling block that he could in my way and he did.

I left the office late,  traffic was abnormally crazy on the way to pick up my oldest daughter and so on and so on! By the time, I got home it was almost 6:00 and service started at 7. I, then had a whole list of things to get done at the house before I could leave. When I finally left it was 7:15 and walked in the church at 7:30...sigh...

But...I got there just in time for the Word and it was a "right now" Word. I sat in the very back of the church but the Word reached me and poured into my spirit and I was refreshed. Have you ever been in a place in your life where you just didn't know what to do next? It feels like if one more thing happens, you might literally lose your mind? I was at that point but I knew that if I could just make it to the house of the Lord, the answer would be waiting for me and it was!

The minister used the Parable of the 10 Minas and asked the simple question...Are you using the talent that God has given you like the  first servant that took his 1 mina and turned it into 10? Or are you hiding your talent in a napkin to the side out of fear like the servant that made no profit on his mina?

Have you ever been slapped awake by the Word? You know...when it feels like the preacher was at your house and is talking specifically to you? That was me last night! It hit me so hard that I've let fear hold me hostage on quite a few things in my life. I always say that I want to be used by God but am I opening myself up to be used on a consistent basis? That Word was so much of a revelation for me that it refreshed me and forced me to ask some hard questions of myself and God. I went to bed later that night waiting for a revelation. 

Well this morning, I am reminded that God still sees me and knows exactly what I need! As I slept, I kept hearing Rhema  and then the idea of this blog was dropped into my spirit and here we are! I went to church seeking release and help but God showed me a blog? I was confused but then I realized that my writing has always been a release for happy times or sad times...I can use words to convey what I've experienced and how God's Word has brought me through! Voila...the answer!

My challenge to you this week is to spend some quiet time with God and look deeply at yourself...what are you hiding off to the side that could bring God glory? How can you be used for the building of the Kingdom? What has fear kept you from doing? He will answer!  It's not always easy. Sometimes you have to fight to get to the answer and Satan wants to stop you but God will honor your press! He says in his Word, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." That's a promise! To God be the glory for the great things He is doing!



Ebony B said...

Checking to see if I could post a comment

rsmith5485 said...

Thanks for sharing. I am uplifted by your perseverance and you listening when God spoke to you about this blog. Your gift has reminded me to stand, have faith and know that God answers prayers. The devil was defeated and God has been exalted. I stand today accepting your challenge.

LaToya said...

To God be the glory. I am so proud of you sister in law. Especially during a season like this that our family is going thru. This is a perfect time to give the enemy a black eye. He wants us to lose focus but "greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world." So many people are going to be saved and delivered because of your obedience. All God wants is for us, his people to say Yes! To his will and his way. I love u and continue to be a messenger of Christ! L. Bryant

Cocoa said...

Wow...this is an inspirational word for me too. No it is not always easy, God sometimes put things or people directly in front of us for a reason and I am still scared and I fear to take the next step. Whoa! This is confirmation for me to move to the next step. Thank you Ebony for this encouraging word, it motivated me What a Mighty God we Serve!