Thursday, June 23, 2011

The devil is defeated...

I’ve been racking my brain all week about what to write for this post. I fasted and prayed, studied waited and waited some more….nothing! Have you ever waited for a word from the Lord but didn’t hear anything so you thought you would go it on your own? Hmmmmm….guilty! So, I sat down to write what I thought I should write and got an opening paragraph and couldn’t go any further. The words wouldn’t come and it didn’t feel right. So I stopped. My way obviously wasn’t working. So I put on my headphones and turned on “Living on the Top” by DeWayne Woods and got my praise on! The end of the song says “The devil is defeated...God is exalted! Jesus Christ is Lord of all!” And there it was… what do you do when the devil tries to attack you?
The world has seemingly gone crazy. There is so much hurt and pain and pure evil everywhere you look. Satan is running his kingdom here on earth to the best of his ability, spreading confusion and division everywhere he goes. I can barely watch the news anymore without closing my eyes in sadness. Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy, that’s his mission and you are his target. There’s no way to clean it up or make it sound pretty. He hates you and wants you to fail. He will throw stumbling blocks in your way – sickness, debt, unemployment, relationship problems, and more. So what do you do? How do you win against all that Satan tries to throw at you?
First, you should know that Satan’s outcome has already been decided. Revelations 20 tells us that he will be thrown in the lake of fire to be tortured day and night forever. Think about that! Why should you let something take your joy away that will ultimately be cast down and tortured? Whenever he tries to bring me down or tell me that I can’t win, I remind him that it’s already been decided that he will lose!
Secondly, remember that God has given us power to bind and loose anything on heaven and earth. If you get diagnosed with a sickness, and Satan gets in your mind and says that you will die. You stand in his face and say that Jesus said by His stripes we ARE healed and you bind that sickness at its root and you loose forth your healing. If someone tells you that you’ll never be successful in your chosen career, you bind that spirit of defeat and loose forth victory and success! The devil wants you think that you don’t deserve to have joy and happiness but that’s a lie! Every time I pray, I bind anything evil or demonic that would try and come against me and loose all the great things that God wants for me to have. Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly! Use that power He’s given you!
Finally, know who you are in Christ so when the devil tries to take something from you or block your happiness, you don’t take it lying down! Romans 8 is a must read for any Christian running this race! In that chapter, He tells us that we are joint heirs with Christ! He tells us that all things work together for good for them that love God and are called according to his purpose! He tells us that even when we don’t know what to pray, the Spirit makes intercession for us! And best of all, if God is for us, who can be against us? This is great news!
The devil doesn’t have any power over you that you don’t give him. When bad things come against you, think about who’s behind it, then remember that you have power and who you are in Christ! Now get your praise on because the devil is defeated and GOD IS EXALTED!


rsmith5485 said...

This word was so refreshing because the devil is attacking me and he WILL NOT win. You asked the question, 'How do you win against all that Satan tries to throw at you?' Through all the trials and tribulations, I know WHO holds me hand, God. He will bring me through as I continue to praise Him and my faith is strong. God is exalted.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great message! Mrs. Ebony, what you are doing is great; having church once or twice a week is not enough to stay focused on God. Having a blog or quote is like adding more fuel to a christians faith to keep you stronger and more determined throughout the day. Please keep these coming!!

Anonymous said...

To God be the Glory. Thank you Sister Ebony for blessing us this day with a Word , a Good Word from our Father through you. May you and yours always be blessed. I look forward to my biweekly/weekly Power packed messaged

LaToya Bryant said...

Praise break!!! Thank God for the words of encouragement. Your right we do have the power because the word says God has given us power over all the power of the enemy and nothing by any means shall hurt us.I'm also reminded of another scripture that says, "that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." 1Cor. 2:5. I love this blog. It's a great weapon against satan. thank God for iron sharpening iron. Praise Break!........................................................... Ok in finish now!

bclinton said...

Dear Ebony,
That was a powerful word, especially trying to do it on your own not waiting on God that can turn out bad. I am guilty of that myself. Luke 10:19 sais that we will trample serpents and scorpians. God will always protect us if we let him.


Anonymous said...

That was a beautiful message mrs. Ebony!

rileyjemarle said...

Thanks for this bud